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Fifteen Hours(科幻战争)-第12章

小说: Fifteen Hours(科幻战争) 字数: 每页4000字

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before their artillery finds the range and starts to loop shells over the lander to land right on top of
“Maybe this is all a mistake?” Vorrans said; his face alive with the glimmer of desperate hope。
“That’s it; mistaken identity。 Maybe it’s our own side doing the shooting and they don’t know who
we are。 We could make a white flag and try to signal them。”
“Shut up; Vors。 You’re talking like an idiot。” Hallan snapped。 Then; seeing Vorrans look at him
in shock; he softened his tone。 “Believe me; Vors; there’s nothing mistaken about it。 There’s a ten30
metre tall Imperial eagle painted on each side of the hull of the lander。 The people shooting at us
know exactly who we are。 That’s why they’re trying to kill us。 Our only way out of this is to try and
make for our own lines。 Though we’ll need to find out where they are first。”
“There!” Leden said; his finger pointing eastward。 “You see it — the eagle in the distance。
Sweet Emperor; we’re saved。”
Turning to follow the direction of Leden’s jabbing finger; Larn saw a flagpole rising from the
rubble…strewn outskirts of the city。 At its top a worn and ragged flag: an Imperial eagle; fluttering in
the breeze。
“You’re right; Leden;” Hallan said; the excitement in his voice drawing the attention of the rest
of the company as dozens of eyes turned to look toward the flag。 “It’s our own lines; all right。 If you
look closely you can see the outlines of camouflaged bunkers and firing emplacements。 That’s
where we should be headed。”
“But it’s got to be seven or eight hundred metres away at least; Hals;” Vorrans protested。 “With
nothing between us and that flag but open ground。 We’ll never make it。”
“We don’t have any choice; Vors;” Hallan said。 Then; seeing the eyes of every other Guardsman
in the company were on him; he turned to them; his voice raised loud enough to be heard among the
din of gunfire。 “Listen to me; all of you。 I know you’re scared。 Zell knows; I am too。 But if we stay
here we are as good as dead。 Our only chance is to make for that flag!”
For a moment there was no response as the Guardsmen cast frightened eyes from the now
burning lander to the wide expanse of open ground before them。 Each man weighing an unwelcome
decision: to stay and risk an undetermined death sometime in the future; or to run and risk an
immediate death in the present。 Then; suddenly; a shell landed on their side of the lander no more
than five metres from where they were standing and the decision was made for them。
They ran。
Breathless; terror dogging his every step; Larn ran with them。 He ran; as from behind them there
came a remorseless tide of gunfire as the unseen enemy tried to shoot them down。 He saw men die
screaming all around him; red gore spraying from chests and arms and heads as the bullets struck
them。 He saw men killed by falling shells; bodies torn apart by blast and shrapnel; heads and limbs
dismembered in an instant。 All the time he kept his eyes glued on the flag … his would…be refuge —
in the distance before him。 His every breath a silent prayer in the hope of salvation。 His every step
one closer to making that salvation a reality。
As he ran; he saw friends and comrades die。 He saw Hallan fall first; his right eye exploding
from its socket to make way for the bullet passing though it; his mouth open in a cry of
encouragement to his fellow Guardsmen that would never be finished。 Then Vorrans; his torso
ruptured and mutilated as a dozen pieces of shrapnel exploded through his chest。 Other men fell:
some he had known by name; others he had known only by sight。 All of them killed as; just as
breathless and desperate as he was; they ran for the flag。 Until at last; with most of his comrades
dead already and the flag still a hundred metres away; Larn realised he would never make it。
“Here! Over here! Quickly; this way! Over here!”
Suddenly; hearing shouting voices nearby Larn turned to see a group of Guardsmen in greyblack
camouflage appear as if from nowhere to beckon him towards them。 Changing direction to
head for them; he saw they had emerged from a firing trench and raced towards it with enemy
bullets chewing up the ground around him。 Until at last; reaching the trench; he leapt inside to
Trying to catch his breath as he lay at the bottom of the trench; looking about him Larn saw five
Guardsmen standing around him in the confines of the trench: all clad in the same uniform of greyblack
patterned greatcoats; mufflers and fur…shrouded helmets。 At first they ignored him; their eyes
turned to scan the killing fields he had just escaped from。 Then; one of the Guardsmen turned to
look down towards him with a grimace and finally spoke。
“This is Vidmir in trench three; sergeant;” the Guardsmen said; pressing a stud at his collar as
Larn realised he was speaking down a comm…link。 “We have one survivor。 I think a few more made
it to the other trenches。 But most of those poor dumb bastards are dead out there in no…man’s land。
“I can see movement on the ork side;” one of the other Guardsmen said; standing looking over
the trench parapet。 “All this killing must have got their blood up。 They’re getting ready for an
attack。” Then; while Larn was still wondering if he had really heard the word “ork”; he saw the man
turn away from the parapet to look towards him。
“Assuming that uniform you’re wearing is not just for show; new fish; you might want to stand
up and get your lasgun ready。 There’s going to be shooting。”
Pulling himself to his feet; Larn unslung his lasgun; stepping forward as the other Guardsmen
moved sideways to make space for him on the trench’s firing step。 Then; as he checked his lasgun
and made ready to put it to his shoulder; he saw something that caused him to wonder if his first
combat drop might have gone even more badly wrong than he could have thought。 As; from the
corner of his eye; he spotted a bullet…riddled wooden sign erected behind and slightly to one side of
the trench。 A sign whose ironic greeting gave him pause to wonder if he really was where he
thought he was at all。
A sign that said:
Welcome to Broucheroc。
12:09 hours Central Broucheroc Time
Questions of Interstellar Geography and Other Revelations — A Bad Day in Hell — The Waaagh!
— A Baptism of Fire — Hand…To…Hand against the Enemy — An Opinion as to the Best Method of
Killing a Gretchin
“They’re getting ready to move all right;” the Guardsman said next to him; spitting a wad of greasy
phlegm over the trench parapet。 “They’ll hit us hard this time; and in numbers。 It’s the blood that
does it; you see。 Our blood; I mean。 Human blood。 The sight and smell of it always makes ’em more
willing and eager for a fight。 Though; Emperor knows; your average ork is usually pretty eager to
begin with。”
His name was Repzik: Larn could see the faded letters of the name stencilled on the tunic of the
man’s uniform under his greatcoat。 Standing beside him on the firing step; Larn followed the
direction of his eyes to look into the landscape he now knew as no…man’s land。
No matter how intently he stared across the bleak fields of frozen mud before them he could see
no movement; nor for that matter any other sign of the enemy。 Ahead; no…man’s land seemed as flat;
featureless and devoid of life as it had when he had emerged from the lander to his first view of it
barely ten minutes ago。 The only difference now was the addition of the burning shell of the lander
itself and with it the bodies of his company strewn haphazard and bloody across the frozen
landscape。 Abruptly; as he looked out at the remains of men he had known as friends and comrades;
Larn felt the beginnings of tears stinging wetly at the corners of his eyes。
Jenks is dead; he thought。 And Hallan; Vorrans; Lieutenant Winters; even Sergeant Ferres。 I
don’t see Leden。 Perhaps he is still alive somewhere。 But nearly every man I came here with from
Jumael is lying dead out there in no…man’s land。 All of them slaughtered within minutes of landing;
without even having fired a shot。
“It’s a pity about your comrades;” Repzik said; his voice almost kindly as Larn clenched his eyes
to try and stop the other men in the trench from seeing his tears。 “But they’re dead and you ain’t。
What you need to start thinking about now is how you’re going to stop yourself from joining them。
The orks are coming; new fish。 If you want to live you’re going to have to keep yourself hard and
“Orks?” Larn said; trying to concentrate his mind on the practical in an effort to lay his grief
aside。 “You said ‘orks’? I didn’t know there were any orks on Seltura VII?”
“Could be that’s true;” Repzik said; as beside him one of the other Guardsmen looked to the sky
in silent exasperation。 “Fact is; you’d have to ask somebody who’s actually been there。 Here in
Broucheroc though we generally have more orks than we know what to do with。”
“Wait;” asked Larn; confused; “are you telling me this planet isn’t Seltura VII?”
“Well; I wasn’t specifically commenting on it; new fish;” Repzik said。 “But since you ask; you’d
be right enough。 This place isn’t Seltura VI

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