Fifteen Hours(科幻战争)-第7章
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Sitting in the confines of a briefing room already made cramped and stifling by the presence of
an entire company of Guardsmen crammed inside it; Larn found himself forced to suppress a sudden
yawn。 Two months had gone by since the day he had first passed muster on the parade ground; and
for the last four weeks of that period Larn’s regiment had been billeted on an Imperial troopship en
route to what promised to be their first campaign。 Four weeks; and today at last their superiors had
finally decided to tell them where in hell it was they would be going。
“Seltura VII; gentlemen;” Lieutenant Vinters the company commander said; stepping forward to
address his men as the naval part of the briefing ended。 “That’s where we are going。 And that is
where you will get your first chance to serve your immortal Emperor。”
Behind the lieutenant the image on the pict…display abruptly changed; the naval star chart giving
way to a static image of a round blue world set against the blackness of space。 With it there was a
stirring in the room as; almost as one; two hundred Guardsmen leaned forward from their lines of
metal chairs for a better view。 Then; satisfied he had their attention; Lieutenant Vinters used the
remote device in his hand to change the pict…display once more; revealing an aerial view of a forest
“Seltura VII is heavily forested;” Vinters continued。 “Over eighty per cent of the planet’s
landmass is covered in temperate rain forest。 The climate is mild — not unlike that back on Jumael
IV; I’m told — though with something like twice the mean average rainfall per annum。 It should be
about early summer by the time we arrive to make planetfall; so you can expect the weather to be
hot and wet。”
Finding himself yawning once more; Larn hurriedly raised his hand to cover his mouth。 Even
travelling through the depths of the void; Sergeant Ferres had not let up on them。 If anything; Ferres’
daily training regime since they had left their homeworld was harder than it had been back on
Jumael IV; the only difference being they did their training now in one of the troopship’s loading
bays while sardonic naval crewmen paused in their own duties to watch them with sneering smiles。
Every day; Ferres had had them running training exercises from breakfast to lights out。 It was not
just the effect of today’s exertions that had left Larn feeling so exhausted。
They had been on the troopship nearly a month now; jumping in and out of the Immaterium for a
few days’ warp travel here; a few days there。 Each time; during every night they spent in the warp;
Larn had been troubled by terrible nightmares。 In his dreams he saw alien landscapes populated with
strange and horrific creatures — dreams that had him waking in a cold sweat in his bunk every
night; his heart heavy with a sickening and nameless dread。 Warp sickness; the ship apothecary had
called it when half of the regiment had reported for sick duty after their first night in the warp。 You
will get used to it in time。 For Larn; the pills the apothecary had given him to help him sleep had
proven of little use。 He had not had a decent night’s sleep in weeks。 While; no matter how many
pills he took; every night he spent in the warp seemed just as bad as the first。
“Obviously; for reasons of secrecy; there is a limit to the details I can give you at this stage as to
the specific operational aspects of our mission on Seltura VII;” Lieutenant Vinters said。 “What I can
tell you is that we have been sent to help suppress a mutiny among elements of the local PDF and
restore the legitimate government to power。 If Intelligence is to be believed we can expect heavy
resistance on the part of rebels。 We are the Imperial Guard; gentlemen。 We will prevail。 Of course;
we may take it for granted we are likely to experience some hardships at first — not least in matters
of acclimatisation to local conditions。”
Acclimatisation; thought Larn; that’s half my problem。 The warp sickness is bad enough but it
feels to me like it should have been lights out hours ago。 Larn knew that in order to acclimatise their
body clocks to the thirty…hour day/night cycle of their destination world; the light…cycle in the parts
of the ship inhabited by his regiment had been altered accordingly。 Even after weeks now of living
by the new cycle; Larn was still finding it difficult to adjust。 He felt time…lagged; in the grip of
constant fatigue; as though his body was wondering why it was still awake。 As hard as the warp
sickness was to endure; Larn found the strange sleep rhythms he was now forced to live by made his
sleeplessness infinitely worse。
“But as I say; gentlemen;” Vinters said; “we are Guardsmen and we will prevail。 I know this is
to be your first campaign。 Be assured; your commanders have faith in you all the same。 Now; I think
that covers everything。 If you have any questions you may refer them to your sergeants。”
With that; the lieutenant pressed the remote device once more; causing the image on the pictdisplay
to fade away to darkness as the assembled Guardsmen rose and filed silently from the room。
Though as Larn walked away with the others; he found himself wondering how well Lieutenant
Vinters really knew the character of the men under his command。
For; from among all the men in the company; who in their right mind would ever dare refer a
question to Sergeant Ferres?
“You call yourselves soldiers?” Sergeant Ferres yelled; his voice echoing stridently off the bulkhead
walls of the loading bay。 “I’ve seen higher lifeforms sticking to my father’s arse after his ablutions。
Now; attack that blockhouse like you mean it or I’ll make the whole lot of you sorry you ever
crawled from your inbred mothers’ idiot wombs!”
Five hours had passed since the briefing。 Five hours which Larn had spent in one of the
troopship’s loading bays with the rest of his platoon; experiencing the latest training regime to issue
from the febrile mind of Sergeant Ferres。 All around them rectangular shapes had been painted on
the metal floor。 Shapes representing the imaginary outlines of bunkers; fixed emplacements; and
blockhouses; on which the Guardsmen were expected to hone their skills in close tactical assault。
Despite the hours spent already in conflict with invisible enemies; Sergeant Ferres seemed far from
“Keep crouched as you ran;” the sergeant yelled; running alongside Larn and his fireteam as
they assaulted another non…existent objective。 “There’s lasfire and shrapnel whistling all around you。
Keep crouched and stay in cover if you don’t want to get hit。”
To Larn; the whole thing seemed like madness。 Even accounting for his normal fear of the
sergeant; as they raced from one imaginary target to another it was all he could do to stop from
bursting into laughter。 The only thing that stopped him was the expression on Ferres’ face。
Whatever Larn and the others might think of the folly of spending five hours attacking the outlines
of imaginary buildings full of invisible enemies; it was clear that to Sergeant Ferres it was no
laughing matter。
“Faster;” Ferres shouted; his voice so shrill it seemed on the verge of breaking。 “I want you to
clear that blockhouse room by room。 No quarter to the enemy。 No survivors。 For the Emperor!”
Reaching the outer wall of the blockhouse Jenks took point while the others covered him;
kicking in an imaginary door in time for Leden to throw an imaginary grenade into the room to kill
the imaginary enemies inside。
“Halt!” the sergeant screamed; spittle spraying from his mouth with the force of the command。
In an instant; Larn and the others froze where they stood。 Then; unsure what to do next; they
watched as Sergeant Ferres marched past them towards the blockhouse。 Stepping carefully into the
blockhouse as though he picking his way through a splintered doorway only he could see; Ferres
advanced into the centre of the imaginary room before bending forward to wrap his fist around some
imaginary object。 Straightening his back; he turned and walked towards Leden; his fist held
knuckles down in front of him at waist height as though he was still carrying something there。
“What is this; Leden?” the sergeant asked; indicating the invisible object gripped in his fist。
“I… I don’t know; sergeant。” Leden replied; jaw sagging open in confusion。
“This is the grenade you just threw into the blockhouse; Leden;” Ferres said。 “Now; can you tell
me; what is wrong with this grenade?”
“Umm… I don’t know; sergeant。” Leden said; shrinking down into himself as he answered as
though melting beneath the hot glare of Sergeant Ferres’ eyes。
“What is wrong with this grenade is that its pin is still in place; Leden;” the sergeant said。 “And
the reason I know the pin is still in place is because when you threw it; you didn’t remove it。 Now;
tell me; Leden: what use is a thrown grenade that still has its pin in place?”
“I… I… didn’t think I had to remove the grenade pin; sergeant;” Leden said; his voice trailing
away to nothing as he realised what he was saying。 “It is only an imaginary grenade…”
“Imaginary? Not at all; Leden。 I assure you; this grenade is q