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Fifteen Hours(科幻战争)-第8章

小说: Fifteen Hours(科幻战争) 字数: 每页4000字

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“Imaginary? Not at all; Leden。 I assure you; this grenade is quite solid。 Here; let me show you;”
the sergeant said; suddenly balling his hand into a fist and punching Leden in the stomach。 The air
exploding from his mouth; Leden fell to his knees。 Then; Ferres turned to face the others。
“There;” he said; holding the imaginary grenade up in the air for them all to see it; “You see I
was right — this grenade is just as solid as my fist。 As solid as the door of this blockhouse; the walls
of the emplacement; even the plasteel of that bunker。 The next man who dares even to suggests to
me that these things are not real and solid will get the same as Leden just got; but worse。 Now; I
want to see you attack that blockhouse again。 And; this time; I want to see you doing it like
At that; the sergeant screamed the order to attack。 Chastened by the example of Leden; Larn and
the others hurried to assault the blockhouse once more while Leden painfully pulled himself to his
feet and came to join them。 So it continued; with assault after assault on imaginary buildings and
invisible enemies; as Sergeant Ferres moved from fireteam to fireteam to inspect their labours。 Larn
felt himself growing more and more tired as his sleeplessness took its toll until at last; after hours
more of manoeuvres; the sergeant finally called a halt to training and dismissed them。 So tired by
men; Larn was sure he knew what it meant to be a dead man walking。
A Day in the Life of Erasmos Ng
“Coordinate: two three three point eight six three nine;” the voice blared into Erasmos Ng’s ear as
he dutifully typed the number 233。8639 into the cogitator before him。 “Coordinate: two four two
point seven four six eight。 Coordinate: two three eight point five nine six one。 Correction: two three
eight point five eight six one。 Further coordinates pending。 Wait。”
With that; the voice in his earpiece fell abruptly silent。 Granted brief respite from the endless
stream of numbers that assailed him every minute of his working life; Erasmos Ng turned his tired
eyes to gaze at the cavernous interior of the room around him。 As ever; Data Processing Room 312
was a hive of mindless activity as a thousand other bored and dispirited souls just like him went
about their labours。 Here; numbers were crunched; data entries updated; reports filed; then collated;
then cross…indexed — all amid a constant din of clattering type…keys and whirring logic…wheels that
put him in mind of nothing so much as the sound of an insect army on the march。 Still; he realised it
was a spurious analogy。 The labours of insects at least served some useful purpose。 While he had
long ago begun to doubt that what went on in Room 312 served any purpose at all。
“Coordinate: two three five point one five three zero;” the voice in his earpiece crackled into life
again。 “Coordinate: two two two point six one seven four。 Coordinate: two three six point one zero
one five。” And so on; ad infinitum。
Resuming his task with a weary sigh; as he typed the new set of coordinates into the cogitator;
Ng found himself reflecting sadly on how often the shape of a man’s life came to be dictated by the
happenstance of birth。 If he had been born on another planet he might have been a miner; a farmer;
or even a huntsman。 As it was he had been born on this world — on Libris VI。 A world whose only
industry of note resided in a single enormous Administratum complex the size of a city — one of
many thousands of such complexes the Administratum maintained across the galaxy。 Lacking other
prospects; like his parents before him Erasmos Ng had entered Imperial service; becoming just
another small cog in the vast bureaucratic machine responsible for the functioning — smooth or
otherwise — of the entire Imperium。 A selfless and noble calling; or so they told him。 Though; as
with so much else he had been told in his life; he no longer believed it。
“Coordinate: two one eight point four one zero zero;” the voice — his unseen tormentor — said;
his tone smug and mocking even through the static。 “Coordinate: two two one point one seven two
Now; at the age of forty…five and with thirty years of mind…numbing tedium behind him Ng
knew he had risen as far in the Administratum hierarchy as he was likely to go。 Specifically; to the
heady heights of Assistant Scribe; Grade Secundus Minoris。 A records clerk by any other name;
condemned to spend every day of his life hunched over the cogitator at his workstation in Room
312。 His appointed task: to type into the cogitator the never…ending series of numbers spoken to him
by the disembodied voice over his earpiece。 A task he performed seven days a week; twelve hours a
day; barring two permitted fifteen…minute rest…breaks; a full half…hour for his midday meal; and a
single day’s unpaid holiday every year on Emperor’s Day。
Beaten down by the bleak dreariness of his existence; Erasmos Ng found he had long ago
stopped caring what purpose his labours served。 Instead; for thirty years now; he had simply
performed his allotted task; repetitively typing coordinates into the cogitator again and again and
again; no longer caring what … if anything — they meant。 A lost soul; adrift in a dark and endless sea
of numbers。
“Coordinate: two three three point three three two one;” the voice said; grinding his soul down a
little more with every word。 “Coordinate: two two three point seven seven one two。”
Then; just as he finished typing a new set of coordinates into the machine; Erasmos Ng abruptly
realised he might have made a mistake。 That last coordinate … was it 223。7712 or 223。7721? But
long past giving a damn one way or another he simply shrugged; put it from his mind; and went on
to the next one。 After all; he consoled himself; it hardly really mattered whether or not he had made
a mistake。 He had long ago realised his labours; like his life; were of no importance。
And; in the end; they were only numbers…
22:57 hours Imperial Standard Time
(Revised Real…Space Close Planetary Approximation)
Curious Orders and Unwelcome Destinations — Exhortations to Duty and Unanswered Questions
— The Lander and Intimations of Falling
Magnified by the enhancement devices cunningly hidden in the transparent surface of the forward
viewing portal the planet looked huge and foreboding; its red…brown bulk reminiscent of nothing so
much as an enormous globule of half…dried blood。 As he stood watching it from his usual vantage on
the bridge of the troopship he commanded; Captain Vidius Strell found himself briefly pitying the
men who would be forced to make planetfall there。 Poor devils; he thought。 I have seen a lot of
planets; absolute hellholes some of them; but there is something about the look of that damn place
that makes you think landing there wouldn’t be pleasant。
“Captain?” he heard the voice of his first officer; Gudarsen; behind him。 “Navigation Liaison
reports we are currently fifteen point three five minutes from reaching orbit。 Gravitational
conditions normal。 All systems running clean and smooth。 We are green for go; Captain。 Request
permission to relay the order to launch control to prepare a lander for planetary descent。”
“Permission denied;” Strell said。 “I want you to check the confirmation codes on that last
astropathic message again; Number One。 Then; report back to me。”
“Aye; sir。 Understood;” Gudarsen replied; before bustling energetically away with what seemed
to his captain a commendable eagerness to follow his instructions。
Left to his thoughts once more; while around him the crew of the command bridge went about
their duties; Strell again turned his attention to the planet looming ever larger through the viewing
portal。 As he did; he wondered if the disquiet he felt gazing at the world before him had less to do
with anything sinister in the appearance of the planet itself and more to do with his puzzlement at
the orders that had brought them to it。 His ship; Inevitable Victory; had been en route with escorts
and another thirty troopships to the Seltura system when they had received orders to break convoy
and proceed here alone。 It had been only a small detour requiring no more than a four hour jump
through the warp; but the precise nature of the mission they had come here to perform was enough
to have the Victory’s captain grinding his teeth in frustration。
A single company; thought Strell。 Why in the name of the Divine would Naval Operations
Command divert an entire starship just to drop a single company of Imperial Guardsmen on some
backwater; Emperor…forsaken world?
Aggravated by the thought; Strell cast an ill…humoured eye over the printout of the ship’s
transport manifest held in his hand until he came to the listing for the offending company。 6th
Company; the 14th Jumael Volunteers; Company Commander: Lieutenant Vinters。 There was
nothing out of the ordinary in the company’s listing on the manifest。 Nothing to explain why he and
his crew had been diverted from their duties and the protection of the convoy to ferry two hundred
men to a planet that; in galactic terms; might as well be in the middle of nowhere。
Perhaps there 

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