Ice Guard(科幻战争)-第20章
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Everyone turned to look at him; and Steele saw that he was holding the vox…caster; now a
smouldering wreck; its components fused together; the source of the burning smell。
“You think…?” began Palinev; in disbelief。
“I think;” said Blonsky; “that a single las…beam was fired at this machine — and it must have
been fired from inside this compartment。”
Barreski appeared in the hatchway to find seven pairs of eyes staring at him。 “What the hell
happened here?” he asked。 “Did someone fire a lasgun?”
“We were about to ask you the same question;” said Steele。
“You’re the one who’s supposed to be on watch;” said Pozhar。 “You and Grayle。”
“You didn’t see anyone?” asked Anakora。
Grayle had appeared at Barreski’s shoulder。 “There was something;” he reported。 “Another
mutant; I think。 I tried to follow it; but I lost it。 I don’t know how it got away; it must have moved
like lightning。”
“So; you let this mutant lure you away from the ship?” asked Steele。
Barreski shook his head firmly。 “Grayle went after the mutant。 I went as far as the top of the rise;
to keep an eye on him; but I never left sight of the lander。 There’s no way anything could have got
near this hatchway without my seeing it。”
“Are you certain about that?” asked Steele。 He indicated the remains of the vox…caster; still in
Blonsky’s hands; and Barreski’s face fell as he saw the damage for the first time。 “Because if this
was not the work of an intruder…”
“Then one of us is a traitor;” said Blonsky。
“Now steady on;” said Gavotski。 “Let’s not jump to conclusions; shall we?”
But Blonsky insisted; “The evidence speaks for itself。 One of us must have woken; found
himself unobserved and taken the opportunity to destroy the vox…caster; our best hope of being able
to complete this mission。”
“Why are you looking at me?” cried Pozhar。 “I saw you; you were looking at me as you said
that。 You’ve done nothing but criticise me; and question my loyalty; since we climbed into the
“I think you are more concerned with your personal glory;” said Blonsky; “than with serving the
Emperor。 I consider that a dangerous attitude。”
“Even if that were true;” said Gavotski; “it doesn’t make Pozhar the guilty party。”
“You’re just accusing me;” said Pozhar hotly; “because you have something to hide。 Well; how
about it; Blonsky? I didn’t see you when that mutant attacked me。 What were you doing when
Borscz died?”
“He was fighting alongside me;” said Anakora。 “He played his part。”
“Yeah?” said Pozhar。 “So; maybe we should look at you then。 Maybe we should ask how you
managed to survive Astaroth Prime when no one else in your company did。 Oh yeah; I know all
about that; Anakora。 I remember your name。”
“Sergeant Gavotski is right;” Steele broke in。 “None of us is above suspicion。”
“Well; Grayle and I can vouch for each other;” said Barreski。
“Can you?” asked Palinev。 “I… I don’t meant to imply anything; it’s just… well; you know that
Grayle couldn’t have snuck in here; but can he say the same for you? He must have taken his eyes
off you to search for that mutant。”
“I’ve known Barreski since basic training;” said Grayle; “and apart from anything else; the last
thing he’d do is harm one of his precious machines。 It was him who found the vox…caster in the first
place; remember?”
“Then there is our comrade Mikhaelev;” said Blonsky; “who has had nothing to say for himself
so far。 In fact; it is rare that he voices his thoughts — but when he does speak; he says more than he
thinks he does。”
Mikhaelev turned purple; and spluttered; “I have always followed orders。”
“But you have not always agreed with them; have you? Tell me; Mikhaelev; how greatly does it
bother you that the Emperor considers your life less valuable than that of a man like Confessor
“There’s one possibility none of you has considered;” said Steele。 “The traitor could be me。” His
quiet words brought down a heavy silence; as he had known they would。
“You all know about the augmetics in my brain;” he continued。 “My heart may not have been
corrupted by Chaos; but what if my head has been?”
Their initial shock dispelled; the Ice Warriors rushed to assure their commander that they
couldn’t believe it; that the Emperor would allow no such thing to happen。 He raised his hand to
stem their protests。
“I’m just making a point;” he said。 “We know nothing for sure — and until we do; we can gain
nothing by hurling accusations。”
“Colonel Steele is right;” said Gavotski。 “I am pleased with the way this squad has bonded so
far。 We must not jeopardise that。 We will fight again tomorrow; as comrades; and we need to be able
to trust each other。”
“Nevertheless;” said Blonsky; “I would request that the colonel search each of us for signs of
mutation — and that; for the rest of the night; we have one man standing sentry outside this ship;
and two inside。”
Pozhar pretended to be asleep。
Anakora and Mikhaelev were sitting nearby; Steele having agreed to Blonsky’s suggestion that
the guard be increased。 Pozhar didn’t want them to see that he was awake; couldn’t let them suspect
that his conscience was troubling him。 The back of his right hand itched; but he didn’t dare scratch
He didn’t know why he had done it。
He had woken from a vivid and troubling dream; had perhaps been half…dreaming still。 It had
taken him a minute to work out where he was; to identify the shapes around him as those of his
comrades; to see the vox…caster on the floor beside the hatchway; to remember…
In the dream; Steele had contacted the Imperial Navy on that caster。 They had told him that the
search for the confessor had become too dangerous; that they were sending another lander for his
squad; that Cressida was to be left to its new masters。 The details were hazy; but Pozhar thought he
remembered an army of cultists and mutants; laughing。 Laughing at the Ice Warriors as they turned
their backs on their mission; as they turned and ran。
He had acted on instinct。 He had seen that Grayle had abandoned his post。 No one was watching
him。 It had all been exactly as Blonsky had said: one las…beam; one squeeze of his trigger。 He hadn’t
even thought about the sound it would make。 As the other Ice Warriors had woken; Pozhar had
dropped back onto his blanket and pretended to be waking too; although his heart had been
hammering in his chest and he had felt a cold flush down his back。
His right hand was itching like crazy now。 He shifted his position; carefully; until he could reach
it with his left。 Steele and Gavotski had searched everyone; again as Blonsky had suggested。 Pozhar
had been certain he would pass their inspection; but still he had felt relieved to be given the all…clear。
The verdict had reaffirmed his belief in himself; reassured him that although he couldn’t explain
what he had done; he had done it for the right reasons。 For the Emperor。
His questing fingers found the back of his right hand; and Pozhar froze in horror as he felt
something unfamiliar; something strange; something that had not been there an hour ago: a tuft of
Time to Destruction of Cressida: 23。53。42
The first avalanche was a small one。
The Ice Warriors had been expecting it。 Still; all they could do was brace themselves as the snow
shifted beneath their feet — and hope; of course; that this small slide would not trigger a bigger one。
They had faced a choice this morning: take the well…trodden roads to Mangellan’s stronghold;
the erstwhile Iota Hive; facing the likelihood of more encounters with the enemy en route; or
attempt to approach through treacherous; snow…laden hills。 Steele; being unlike many other
commanders; had opened the question to debate。 It had been the only time so far today that his
troopers had spoken more than two words to each other。
The accusations of the previous night hung like a dark cloud over them。 Even Palinev; although
still scouting ahead; reported back more frequently than he had done yesterday; as if thinking that
too long an absence might arouse the suspicions of his comrades。 He might have been right。
Everyone was watching each other; and Steele could hardly blame them。 He was watching too。
They waited for the snow to settle; and then they moved on in silence。
As they rounded the edge of a hill; the contours of the land brought the hive back into view; just
a few kilometres ahead of them。 The sight made Steele’s stomach turn。 Every horizontal surface of
the city was thick with snow; every vertical plane iced over。 It looked unreal; like a life…sized model
sculpted from the ice。 There was no doubt at all that the Chaos infection of Cressida had Iota Hive in
the firmest of grips; had corrupted it beyond all hope of reclamation。
This morning; Steele’s squad had agreed that they stood a better chance against the perils of
their environment than they did against more of Mangellan’s followers。 Even Pozhar had not argued
too strongly for a full…frontal approach to the hive。 In fact; he seemed unusually subdued; although
whether this was due to the events of last night or to his damaged gun arm; Steele cou