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Ice Guard(科幻战争)-第4章

小说: Ice Guard(科幻战争) 字数: 每页4000字

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in the tunnels and their ravening howls as they scented fresh meat even over the underhive’s stink。
She whirled around; and saw the first of them; its twisted black bulk; in the light of the beam
from her lamp…pack as it leapt on Petrovski and tore out his throat。
There were three more behind it。 Anakora swore and abandoned the limpet mine she had been
struggling to adhere to the crumbling wall of a slum building。
Her squad of eight had been sent down here on a demolition mission。 Their commanders were
concerned that as the Imperial Guard withdrew from Cressida; there weren’t enough men left to hold
all fronts in the ongoing war。 By collapsing strategic sections of these underground levels; they
could at least close off one route to the heart of Alpha Hive; preventing the Chaos forces from
coming up beneath them。
Their enemies; it transpired; were a step ahead of them。 They had penetrated deeper into the
underhive than anyone had known。 Anakora and her comrades hadn’t planted even half their mines
One of the hounds came for her; but with remarkable precision she fired a las…beam through its
left eye and killed it。 The momentum of its pounce kept it coming; and it hit with enough force to
knock her from her feet。 She crashed to the ground with the hound’s slavering tusks in her face; and
gagged on its last gasp of rancid breath as she hauled herself out from beneath it。
She had dropped her lamp…pack; breaking it; but the tunnel was lit by the criss…crossed beams of
her surviving six comrades and the staccato flashes of their lasguns。 The latter created an eerie kind
of stop…motion effect in which Anakora saw the remaining two Chaos hounds dosing with their
chosen prey。
She shouldered her weapon again; looking for a clear shot。 When a second comrade fell; his
broken body tossed in the air to be caught in the mantrap jaws of his feral killer; she let out a
strangulated cry and pulled on the trigger for all she was worth; furious with herself for her wellmeaning
Tbers had the same thought; and the hound was struck from three angles at
once; twisting and melting in the sizzling las…beams; slumping dead at last with a Valhallan leg still
clamped in its mouth。
The third hound got past Sergeant Kubrikov’s defences。 It bore him down; and its claws pinned
his shoulders before he could stand。 Once again; Anakora couldn’t fire without endangering her
comrade; but this time she didn’t waste a second。 She leapt onto the creature’s back; and felt its
jagged spines digging into her thighs。 She turned her lasgun around and slipped it over the Chaos
hound’s head so that the barrel was resting across its throat。 She clenched her teeth and pulled for all
she was worth。 She could feel thick; knotted neck muscles resisting her; but she was determined not
to fail; not to show herself to be weak again。 At last; she felt bone snap。 The monstrous black body
sagged beneath her; and a grateful Kubrikov tore himself free from its dying grip。
In the time this had taken; Anakora’s comrades had dealt with the final hound; although two
more of them had been eviscerated in the process。 The danger was not over; however。 New shadows
were looming; growing on the tunnel walls: dark; ominous shadows。 A scant moment later; the first
of their owners came marching around the bend; and Anakora’s breath caught at the sight of them。
Clad in baroque armour and hailing from the Eye of Terror; the giant warriors exuded a palpable
air of menace and power that turned men’s blood to ice。 They raised and fired bolt pistols; and
Anakora flung herself against the wall; using the tunnel’s slight curvature to shield her body。 She
returned fire; knowing that it was hopeless。 The Ice Warriors were outgunned — outmatched not
just by a little; but ludicrously; almost laughably so。
Sergeant Kubrikov knew it too; and he was screaming at his three remaining troopers to fall
back。 There was something else too: another sound; an insistent buzz in Anakora’s earpiece。 A
voice; its tone urgent but its words drowned in a sea of static。
She didn’t have time to worry about it。 She was pinned down by the bolt pistols; but the glimmer
of an idea formed in her head; and she screamed at Kubrikov; “The mines; sergeant! Blow the
Kubrikov was ahead of her; already fumbling with the detonator。 The buildings to each side of
the Chaos Space Marines blew out; and a cloud of dust billowed towards Anakora。 She was already
running when it caught up to her; engulfed her。 She could hear the throaty growls of chainswords
starting up behind her; and she knew that the explosion hadn’t been enough; not nearly enough —
that their pursuers were still standing; still ploughing forwards; and that all the Ice Warriors had
gained was to slow them a fraction and to make themselves a harder target for their ranged weapons。
She almost wished that wasn’t the case。
There were just two of them left; her and Kubrikov。 Anakora reached the ladder first; glanced
back; and saw her sergeant’s eyes glazing over。 Blood poured from his mouth; and then his body
separated into two pieces along a horizontal line。 The dust parted for a second to show the dead face
of a Chaos Space Marine behind him; jerking his sword free of his victim’s remains。
Then she was climbing; hand over hand; foot over foot; expecting at any moment to feel cold
fingers closing around her ankle; dragging her back。 Bolts pinged off the ladder; and she dropped a
frag grenade to discourage another burst。 Then she could see the open manhole above her; and she
knew that she could make it。 She ought to have been relieved — because now at least her comrades
could be forewarned; that the Chaos Space Marines were about to emerge into their midst — but her
stomach sank instead; because she knew that her mission had failed。 Her squad was dead。
And the worst of it all; the hardest thing for Anakora to accept; was that she had survived…
Trooper Grayle stumbled over the rubble; hacking and coughing from the smoke in his throat; his
arm gushing blood from a stray piece of shrapnel。 His eyes and ears had been deadened; but he fired
his lasgun blindly over his shoulder as he staggered on; just hoping and waiting — waiting for
Barreski to let go of him; to stop dragging him along; so that he could fall over。
He didn’t know how they had got this far。 His recent past was a blur of bangs and flashes; the
only clear impression being of the searing; agonising pain he had felt when the controls of the
Leman Russ had blown up in his face。
Then he was on the ground; staring up at Cressida’s grey sky; the last flakes of the sputtering
snowstorm wetting his cheeks and soothing his burns。 His chest was heaving and his arm was
throbbing; and he wondered for a moment if this was it; if Barreski had been gunned down and if he
was to be next。
Then he saw his comrade’s concerned face looming over him; his skin a livid pink too; the
stubble on his chin singed and even more ragged than usual。
“Did… did we get the last of them?” stammered Grayle。
“I reckon so; yeah;” said Barreski。 Then something made him tense up; turn; and fire a burst
from his lasgun at something Grayle couldn’t see — though he did hear the scream that followed the
blast; a scream abruptly curtailed。 “Yeah;” repeated Barreski; turning back to him; “yeah; we got the
last of them; now。”
Not many cultists had followed them back into the ruins。 Those that had survived were mostly
licking their wounds; shell…shocked from the fury that had just erupted around them。 The Ice
Warriors were safe from the enemy tanks — assuming that none of their drivers had Grayle’s skill;
which was a pretty safe bet。
“I think the captain made it;” said Grayle; chasing a confused memory。 “I think I saw him
with… with someone else; I couldn’t make out who。”
“Kampanov; probably。 As soon as he heard the evacuation order; he was out of that hatch like a
snow leopard with a frag grenade up its backside。”
Grayle pulled himself up onto his elbows; catching his second wind; and said; “They took out
the turret guns; I’m assuming?”
“Cold got the first; shrapnel the second。 Think I’d be here if I still had a lascannon to fire? They
were works of art; they were。 Another minute with them; I could have polished off two more tanks;
no problem。”
“Never mind; eh; Barreski。 I’m sure we can find you a new toy to play with soon; maybe an
even bigger one。”
“You think they’ll let us have another vehicle?” asked Barreski。 “We didn’t take such good care
of the last one。 Of the last three; in fact。”
Grayle smiled at his fellow tanker with the smug air of one who knew an important secret。 “Oh
yeah;” he said; “I think we’ll get another vehicle。 I expect we’ll be back in action before you know
Then he told Barreski about the message。 The one that had come in through the Leman Russ’
vox system; just before it had exploded。 Grayle had never had the chance to acknowledge the
message; nor to relay it to its intended recipient; the battle tank’s captain — but it had now been
heard by both of the Ice Warriors name…checked therein。
“Better get yourself back on your feet then; 

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