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小说: Gunheads(科幻战争) 字数: 每页4000字

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In that sense; he felt a great closeness with Colonel Vinnemann; though he had only ever spoken to
the man twice in person。 Vinnemann’s never…ending quest to avenge his wife was well known。
Look at what he endures to pursue it; thought Wulfe; having heard stories of the endless pain the
colonel suffered。
As the tanks and halftracks got closer and closer to Balkar; a strange noise began to cut into
Wulfe’s uplifted mood。 It came from the rear of his tank; and Wulfe knew at once that something
had gone wrong。 Metzger reported over the intercom a moment later that the engine’s temperature
was increasing rapidly。 Wulfe checked the rear vision blocks and saw thick black smoke pouring out
of the back of his tank from beneath the metal engine covers。
“The blasted radiator has packed in;” he told his crew。 “Metzger; warp damn it; can we at least
make it inside the gates? Tell me we can!”
Before the driver could answer; Last Rites II gave a great shudder and stopped dead in her
tracks。 Wulfe cursed so long and loud that he almost went hoarse。 He watched the other vehicles
move up from behind; come abreast of him; and then overtake。 New Champion of Cerbera passed
within a metre on the right。 The vox board started blinking。 Wulfe; thinking it must be van Droi;
immediately opened the link。
“Oh dear; oh dear; sergeant;” said a smug voice。 “Looks like you’ve pushed the old girl too hard
at last。 Time she was put out to pasture; don’t you think?”
“What the frak do you want; Lenck?” Wulfe growled back。 “Just calling to gloat? Frivolous use
of vox…communications during an operation… that’s a punishable offence。 Old Crusher would love
to hear about that。”
“Get over yourself; sergeant。 I was just voxing to see if you and your men would like a lift into
base。 There’s room on the track…guards。 Can’t have you sitting out here like idiots; embarrassing the
lieutenant and the rest of the company like that。”
Wulfe gritted his teeth。 He would rather dance naked at the general’s next banquet than let that
weasel…faced son…of…a…bitch gloat over this for the rest of his hopefully short life。 Last Rites II had
been running smooth ever since they had left the crashed drop…ship。 All the other tanks — all of
them — had needed to stop sooner or later for field repairs; but not her。
So why in the warp had she chosen now to break down?
Wulfe smacked a fist against the inside of her turret and said; “Damn it; girl。 Couldn’t you have
waited a few more kilometres?” Then he hit the transmit stud and said to Lenck; “Move on;
corporal; before my gunner blows you into the hereafter。”
“Such hostility; sergeant。 Save it for the greenskins; why don’t you? New Champion is moving
on。 Maybe we’ll see you in the mess hall。 We’ll try to leave some food for you; but no promises。
Lenck; out。”
Wulfe cut the link and roared with frustration in his turret。 “This stupid old bucket! She couldn’t
have picked a worse time! We’ll be the laughing stock of the whole damned base。”
“Yes she could;” said Metzger。 His voice was almost a growl。
“What?” said Wulfe。 It was rare for Metzger to speak up; but it was the confrontational tone of
his voice that really caught Wulfe by surprise。
“She could have picked a far worse time to give out on us; and you bloody know it; sarge。 In
fact; this old girl has lasted out longer than we had any right to ask。 She’s the last crate in the whole
damned company to give out; and she waited right up until now; the safest moment since we crashed
on this rock。 So; I don’t give a five…copper back…alley frak whether we’re a laughing stock or not;
I’m bloody glad to be her driver。 And I reckon you ought to shake yourself。” Wulfe was stunned。
“Yeah; I think so; too!” said Siegler with a firm nod of his head。 Wulfe looked at Holtz。 “Well?”
Holtz scratched his chin。 “Three against one。 I wouldn’t change her for any other crate in the
company; and that includes the lieutenant’s Vanquisher。 I can’t think of any other way to put it;
sarge: they just don’t make them like this anymore。 She ain’t no beauty; but she’ll do for me。”
Wulfe leaned back against the turret wall; looking at both of the crewmen who shared the tiny
space with him。 Everyone on this crew had served in Wulfe’s previous tank; though Metzger had
only rolled out with her once before they’d had to abandon her。 The first Last Rites had been
something special; at least in Wulfe’s eyes。 It was easy to get attached to a machine that had saved
your life so many times。 Only her speed had let her down on that final day; when the clock was
against her; and they had been forced to leave her behind。 Wulfe realised now that his close affinity
with the original Last Rites had blinded him to the worth of her replacement。 Last Rites II might
look like hell; but she was tougher than old boots。 She had got them this far。
“Seems like this old girl has found a few fans;” he said; “and I’ve been a bit unfair。”
“Just a bit; sarge;” said Siegler。 Of the four…man crew; he had served with Wulfe the longest and
the trust between them was strongest; not least because of Siegler’s childlike loyalty。 “Last Rites
was a hard act to follow。”
“She was;” said Wulfe; “but you’re right; I reckon this crate is overdue a bit of respect from me。
One of you idiots should have told me I was out of order。”
The looks both men gave him said they wouldn’t have dared。 Had his mood been so bad
recently? he wondered。 He had always believed himself an approachable man。 Was he blind to the
truth in that respect as well?
A light began blinking on the vox…board。 Wulfe dreaded opening the link。 No doubt another of
the Gunheads was calling in to gloat。 Maybe it was Rhaimes。 The company’s longest…serving
sergeant was never short of a quip。
What would it be this time?
As Wulfe reached over to the board to open the vox…link; he told his crew; “I’ll say a litany of
thanks to the old girl’s machine…spirit when I get a bit of downtime。”
The men in the turret smiled; and he turned from them; hit the toggle on the vox…board; and said;
“Who the frak is it and what do you want?”
The voice on the other end was not amused。
“Well you could show some damned decorum for a start; sergeant;” snapped van Droi over the
link。 “The next man who speaks to me like that gets thrown to Commissar Slayte。”
Wulfe blanched。
“Sorry; sir;” he told Lieutenant van Droi。 “Thought it was someone else。 What can I do for
“For a start; you can sit tight until we get an Atlas out to you。 It will tow you into Balkar。 I’ve
voxed ahead for it already。 Damned unfortunate time to break down; Oskar; what with all those
people on the walls to greet us。 Colonel Vinnemann is up there; and Major General Bergen; too; no
Looking across the turret; Wulfe met Siegler’s gaze and winked。 To van Droi; he said; “With
respect; sir; I can’t think of a better time to suffer a breakdown; can you? Last Rites II is the only
machine in the company to have lasted this long without serious engine trouble。 I’d rather it
happened here and now than back there in the desert with the orks at our backs。”
Van Droi was silent for a moment。 When he replied; a touch of his usual good humour had
returned to his voice。 “Fair comment; sergeant。 Glad to hear she’s finally grown on you。 Took
bloody long enough; mind you。 Anyway; what’s this about refusing Lenck’s assistance?”
Wulfe knew van Droi was probing with that last addition。 Wulfe’s contempt for Lenck was still
a matter of concern to the lieutenant; then。 “Didn’t want to hold him up; sir;” he said。 “We’ve been
on quarter rations and bog…water for so long; I figured that rookie crew of his would fall over if they
didn’t get some proper provisions。”
“You’re a damned poor liar; sergeant;” said van Droi。 “And there are no rookies in my company;
not anymore。 They bled and sweated like the rest of us; and they killed their share of greenskins; so
let’s drop the whole them and us bit; shall we? I’m moving through the gates now。 Find me in the
officers’ mess when you’ve been fed and watered。”
“Understood; sir。”
Van Droi signed off; but another light was blinking on the vox…board now。 Wulfe hit the switch
and said; “This is Last Rites II。 Go ahead。”
“Last Rites II; this is Atlas recovery tank Orion VI。 We’re pulling up to you now。 Give us a
minute to get tow…lines hooked up and we’ll be under way; over。”
The Atlas commander sounded young; and his voice made Wulfe reflect on van Droi’s words:
no more us and them。 He had been obstinate in his refusal to accept the new tank。 He had been
obstinate in not telling his crew about the apparition in the canyon on Palmeros。 Was he being just
as obstinate about the new meat? Was Lenck really as bad as he seemed; or had Wulfe cultivated
bad feeling between them from the start on account of the man’s likeness to Victor Dunst? He was
starting to suspect it was the latter。
“Understood; Orion VI;” he voxed。 “Let me know when you’re ready to take us in。”
Evening fell quickly over the base at Balkar。 The sky turned black just as Last Rites II finally
reached the motor pool w

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