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小说: Gunheads(科幻战争) 字数: 每页4000字

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The rockets corkscrewed and exploded harmlessly in the air。
Then the howdah’s gigantic main gun fired。
The sound made the squiggoth buck and rear; throwing off most of its passengers。 They
plummeted; hit the sand hard; and lay there; twisted and unmoving。
A Destroyer on Wulfe’s left was suddenly swallowed in a great ball of fire。 Tiny metal pieces
rained down on Last Rites II。
“Frak;” exclaimed Metzger over the intercom。 “We have to move。”
The other tanks were pounding it; but the squiggoth wasn’t even bleeding。
It clawed at the dirt; preparing to charge。
“What are you waiting for; Beans?” Wulfe demanded。 “Fire!”
“Brace!” shouted Beans。
Last Rites II kicked and sent a glowing round towards the squiggoth’s belly。
There was a burst of fire。 The monster brayed。 When the smoke cleared; its belly scales were
blackened; but undamaged。
That damned thing’s skin must be thicker than our bloody hull; thought Wulfe。
The squiggoth had had more than enough of the tanks。 With another deep bellow; it lumbered
towards them; kicking ork huts and squig pens out of its way; trampling everything unlucky enough
to get in its path。 For the most part; this meant squigs; orks and gretchin; but one of the tanks from
Lieutenant Czurloch’s 3rd Company wasn’t quick enough。
It had stalled。
As Last Rites II accelerated away; Wulfe looked back to see the unlucky tank and its crew
crushed almost flat by a massive clawed foot。
“That thing must weigh a thousand tonnes!” he exclaimed。
Tanks were scattering in every direction; and officers started shouting over the vox; trying to
keep their companies together; to maintain some kind of discipline。 Turrets turned to fire back at the
enraged beast; but shot after shot burst on its armour; only serving to enrage it further。
Immrich’s urgent voice cut across all the panicked chatter。 “Listen up; tankers。 Switch to
armour…piercing。 High…ex isn’t doing a damned thing。 And try to draw it onto the rear ork lines。 It’s
mad as hell。 We can use that to our advantage。”
Wulfe took half a second to survey the rest of the battlefield。 Much of it was obscured by dust
and smoke; but what he could see was an absolute maelstrom; the fighting insanely fierce in every
Once Immrich had dropped the link; van Droi’s voice came through。
“You heard the captain; Gunheads;” he voxed。 “Stick together。 Follow 1st Company’s lead。 And
keep firing; for Throne’s sake。”
“That idiot captain is going to get us all killed; lieutenant;” said a voice that made Wulfe scowl。
“We should scatter。 Think about it。 The minute we crash back into the rear ork lines; our speed’ll
drop by half。 That big beast will stomp us。”
“Do as you’re bloody told; Lenck;” van Droi barked back。 “That’s an order!”
Wulfe cursed。 He could picture Lenck’s snide face。 That piece of crap! He would put his own
survival first every damned time。 Maybe van Droi would see that now。
Wulfe looked out and saw that the giant squiggoth was giving chase。 The ground shook。 Every
footfall was like a miniature earthquake。
Last Rites II bounced and swayed as she crashed over the orks’ backs; Metzger keeping her
speed as high as he could。
“Armour…piercing up the spout; sarge;” reported Siegler。 “Locked and lit。”
“Line her up; Beans;” said Wulfe。 “You’ll have to fire on the move。 Just do your best。”
Beans didn’t answer。 He was concentrating hard。
“Brace!” he shouted。
The tank kicked。 The turret basket filled with smoke。
“What are they playing at?” demanded General deViers。 “I want that damned thing killed this
A wind had picked up; dragging the smoke and dust away from the battlefield; improving
visibility with each passing moment。
Brave men were fighting for their lives all around his Chimera; but it was the squiggoth that held
the general’s eye。 It was the biggest threat on the battlefield; and that made it the biggest threat to
his success。 He saw his chances for victory thinning。 Already; the beast had crushed or kicked apart
eight of the Imperial machines; and Captain Immrich was leading the damned thing back towards
the Cadian lines。 What in blazes was he thinking?
“Gruber;” he yelled at his adjutant; “get me Bergen on the vox; right now!”
Something explosive hit the side of his Chimera and set her rocking on her suspension。 He heard
the rattle of stubber…fire as it struck her glacis plate like a hard rain。
“Nothing to worry about; general;” his driver shouted。 “No breach。 No warnings lights on the
“Bergen here;” said a crackling voice in deViers’ ear。 “Go ahead。”
“What the devil are your tankers playing at; Gerard? If they lead that monster back towards us;
it’ll run rampage through our infantry。 We’ll be slaughtered wholesale。”
“Captain Immrich knows what he’s doing; sir;” replied Bergen icily。 “Right now; the beast is out
of control。 They’re baiting it。 They’ve got it charging straight over the orks。 It’s killing hundreds of
them; as I’m sure you can see for yourself。”
“I’ve seen eight of our tanks get crushed by the bloody thing。 Tell me again that your damned
Captain Immrich knows what he’s doing。 I want it killed right now。 We’ve already knocked out
most of their vehicles。 Let’s turn the infantry battle around and win this。 What about their air
“Dealt with; sir。 Killian moved his missile teams forward with the Tyrok Fusiliers and took them
out。 All hostile birds are down。 Is there anything else; sir?”
DeViers didn’t like Bergen’s tone。 It was dismissive。 Did he think he was leading this offensive?
If the man lived through today; deViers planned to give him one hell of a dressing down。 He had
been too easy on Gerard Bergen up to now; too eager to believe they were on the same page。
It was increasingly clear to him that they were not。
“Just tell Immrich to kill that damned monster;” he said; and shut off the link。 “Gruber; get me
Sennesdiar。 I have to speak with him immediately。”
Seconds later; the voice of the magos said; “I am listening; general。”
“Make sure you are;” said deViers。 “I want you to send that damned beacon of yours up。 Code in
our coordinates。 Get that Mechanicus lifter down here; and tell your people to load her up with
fighters; bombers; tanks… anything they can send us。 Anything at all。 We can win this fight if we
just get some kind of edge。”
“Negative;” Sennesdiar replied。
DeViers exploded。 “Negative? What the hell do you mean by that? Do as I say。”
“General; as I have already stated; I am not part of the Departmento Munitorum command
structure。 I alone have the authority to decide when the beacon will be released。 I will not call down
a Mechanicus craft while there is still a significant threat to its safety。 This battle is not yet won。”
“Don’t you have eyes; you fool?” said deViers。 “My men are fighting for their lives。 Now send
the damned beacon up or I’ll have you shot for obstructing an Imperial operation。”
“Eliminate the squiggoth and all static defences; general;” said Sennesdiar plainly。 “Purge any
remaining forces from the settlement up ahead。 Find the warboss。 When you have achieved these
things; the beacon shall be launched。 Not before。”
DeViers heard the tell…tale click of the vox…link being cut from the other end。
“Gruber;” he yelled; “get me Gerard Bergen again。”
Four tanks; they were all that remained of Gossefried van Droi’s 10th Company: his own Foe…
Breaker; Wulfe’s Last Rites II; Viess’ Steelhearted II; and Lenck’s Exterminator; New Champion of
Of these; only Lenck’s was firing on anything other than the giant squiggoth。 His crate’s twinlinked
heavy bolters were outstanding anti…infantry weapons; and they had helped cut a bloody path
of carnage through the ork ranks; but they were little use against something like the insane
behemoth that was chasing him。 Instead; Lenck ordered Riesmann to concentrate on keeping the
way clear with a torrent of fire。 There was no way he was getting trampled to death like those other
Damn that stupid Immrich for ordering them back into the middle of the horde。 Not only was it
slowing them down; putting them in reach of the squiggoth’s tusks and feet; but six tanks from the
2nd; 4th and 7th Companies had been slapped with magnetic mines that blew them to tiny; spinning
pieces。 Other tanks were struggling through the press of bodies with dozens of orks on top of them;
all yanking hard at the hatches and hammering at the vision blocks with the butts of their blades。 All
the weight of those hangers…on slowed the tanks to a crawl。 As Lenck watched; the squiggoth
thundered forward; crushing one and knocking two others onto their backs。 Broken ork bodies flew
in every direction。 In the wake of the beast’s rampage; however; more orks immediately moved in
on the upturned machines。 They began trying to cut their way through belly armour with chainaxes
and blowtorches; desperate to get at the helpless men inside。
Lenck grimaced。 It wasn’t that he cared for his fellow tankers per se; but he imagined that it
might not be long until New Champion was on her back like that。 He definitely wasn’t ready to die。
Most of the dolts 

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