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Questing Knight(科幻战争)-第4章

小说: Questing Knight(科幻战争) 字数: 每页4000字

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‘It is like the edge of the world;’ said Chlod。 ‘And we are sailing straight towards it。’
‘Nonsense;’ said Calard。 ‘It is fog; nothing more。’
He was turning a sword over in his hands; marvelling at its workmanship。 The blade was flawless;
gleaming silver and the pommel was beautifully crafted into the shape of a fleur…de…lys。
The Sword of Garamont was a priceless heirloom; and it had been in the family for generations。 Said
to have been blessed by the kiss of the Lady herself; Calard had presented it to his nephew Orlando
when he had taken up his quest。 He had feared it lost; stolen or destroyed when his castle was sacked;
but such fears had been proven unfounded。 Before he had left Sangasse three weeks earlier; Maloric had
brought it to him; wrapped in velvet。
‘My men found it in the ruins;’ the Earl of Sangasse had said。 ‘I thought it best not to leave it for

Miraculously; perhaps protected by the Lady’s blessing; the blade had survived the fire unscathed。
Calard sheathed the sword; and buckled it around his waist。
They were approaching the midway point of the Grismarie; and the river’s black water was flowing
fast and deep beneath them。 Squat guard towers could be seen along the river bank in the distance
behind them; on the Bastonne side of the Grismarie。 Similar towers were positioned all along the many
hundreds of miles of Mousillon’s borders。 Funded by the king’s coffers; these bastions had been erected
almost five hundred years earlier; and they stood as silent sentinels; ever watchful for a threat from
Mousillon。 At the first sign of trouble; the massive pyres atop the towers would be lit; one after another;
spreading the word faster than an eagle could fly。
Calard’s horse whinnied and shuffled uneasily; hooves sounding sharply on the barge’s deck。
Standing; Calard moved back to where the destrier was tethered and spoke to her in soothing tones;
stroking her neck。 Five surly boatmen worked the barge in silence; but Calard ignored them。 Having
settled his warhorse; he made his way towards the bow; where Chlod sat clutching the gunwale。 The
barge rocked gently to and fro; and Calard; unused to being on the water; kept a solid grip on the railing
as he moved to the front of the barge。
‘No good will come of this;’ said Chlod。 The peasant was clearly terrified。
The fog loomed hundreds of feet above them; like the sheer walls of a castle marking the midway
point across the Grismarie。 The hunch…backed peasant closed his eyes and muttered a prayer as the
barge entered the murk。
A chill descended on them; its touch wet and cloying; and visibility was suddenly reduced to less than
a few feet。 The mist seemed to swallow up all sound; making even the lapping of water upon the hull of
the barge sound strangely distant。 The fog seeped in under Calard’s armour; making his skin wet and
clammy; and he began to shiver。
Something ground against the underside of the barge; which began to rock back and forth alarmingly。
‘What was that?’ squeaked Chlod; eyes snapping open; fingernails digging into the wooden gunwale。
‘Big fish;’ said one of the grim…faced boatmen。 Calard was unsure if the man was joking or not。
Within minutes; Calard was soaked to the skin; his hair clinging in long wet strands down his neck。
The journey through the fog seemed to last an eternity。 Strange noises echoed around them: creaks;
groans and distant screams that Calard guessed were seabirds but sounded distinctly human。 On more
than one occasion he was convinced he heard whispering voices nearby; but saw nothing。
Chlod gave a yelp at one point; and Calard glared at him。
‘I felt someone breathing on my neck;’ said Chlod; his voice strained。
‘You imagined it;’ said Calard。 ‘Be silent。’
Calard was starting to doubt the boatmen’s ability to guide the barge safely through the fog when the
sound of gravel scraping against the hull signalled their arrival on the shores of Mousillon。
The riverbank appeared like a mirage through the fog as the barge came to a grinding halt in the
shallows。 The land was rendered in shades of grey and hidden in mist; but a narrow strip of black sand
soon emerged forming a beach in front of them。
Clearly eager to be away; the boatmen unloaded the barge hastily。 There was a brief struggle to get
Chlod’s mule off the deck。 The obstinate beast was reluctant to step ashore; and the struggle only ended
after Calard slapped it hard on the flank。 His own steed was equally uneasy; but did as it was bid with
less complaint; stepping off the front of the vessel and splashing into the shallow black water。 Without a

word of farewell; the boatmen poled the barge off the river bank and were swallowed by the fog。
It was as dark as twilight; though it couldn’t have been an hour past midday。 Looking around them; it
seemed to Calard as if all colour had been bleached from the land。 The sun had been shining through the
clouds on the other side of the river; but it was nowhere to be seen here。 The grass and vegetation was
shrivelled and dead。 A lone tree stood nearby; its trunk twisted。 A raven the size of a small dog perched
on a leafless branch; watching them with its head cocked to one side。 Calard saw movement in the
corner of his eye; but whenever he turned to face it; it was gone。
‘We’re never leaving here alive;’ said Chlod。
Somewhere in the mist; a wolf began to howl。
They had barely halted; riding westwards through lonely; wind…swept landscapes and muddy fields
filled with rotting crops。 They had passed through a number of isolated peasant hamlets; but seen only
glimpses of the inhabitants peeking out at them through barred windows。
The haunted realm had at first seemed to exist in a permanent state of twilight; but the shadows
deepened as that twilight gave way to night。 With no visible moon or star in the sky overhead; the
darkness was soon all…consuming。 Only far beneath the Worlds Edge Mountains had Calard experienced
such utter blackness。 Lighting torches; they continued on through that first; nightmarish night。
The darkness was filled with the howling of wolves; the beat of heavy; leathery wings; and the rustle
of unseen creatures in the undergrowth nearby。 They dared not rest; and pushed on through the night。 A
multitude of eyes glinted in the torchlight; watching their progress。 In a break in the ever…present fog;
Calard glimpsed huge; black…furred wolves loping alongside the road; dogging their progress。
Wolves were not the only things stalking them。 On more than one occasion Calard glimpsed hunched
figures on the road behind them。
‘They’re back again;’ said Chlod; his voice strained as he looked back along the road behind。
‘They have been there for some time;’ Calard replied。
‘They are growing bolder。’
‘‘We need to find shelter;’ said Calard。 ‘We cannot travel on through another night without rest; not
hounded by those。。。 things。’
They continued on in silence as the shadows deepened around them。 Abruptly; the muddy road
turned and veered over a small creek; angling straight into the dark forest they had so far been skirting。
The wood was shadowy and threatening; its trees bloated and misshapen。 Their trunks were rotten and
covered in lichen and fungus。
‘Do we go in?’ asked Chlod。
‘It has to lead somewhere;’ said Calard。 ‘And we have to keep moving。’
With a nudge; he urged his steed on。 Its hooves sank into the marshy ground as it stepped down to
the shallow creek。 The water stank; and was covered in a film of scum。 With a kick of encouragement;
Calard’s warhorse leapt forward; clearing the stream and climbing the bank on the other side。
Chlod’s mule was incapable of such a leap and seemed reluctant to step into the foul waters。 As
Chlod kicked and swore at the stubborn beast; Calard’s gaze was drawn upwards by the ugly cawing of
carrion birds。
More than a dozen corpses were strung up in the trees overhead; hanging from ropes and gibbets。

They spun gently as black birds tore strips of flesh from the bodies。
Movement in the trees dragged his attention down from the grisly sight。 Shadows were detaching
themselves from the surrounding darkness; edging towards them。
Calard reached over his back and drew his massive bastard sword from its sheath; holding it
‘Hurry up; peasant!’ he hissed。
Perhaps catching a scent of the hunters on the breeze; the mule lurched forwards suddenly; almost
throwing Chlod from its back; and the peasant lost his grip on the reins。
‘Whoa!’ shouted Chlod; clinging on desperately as the mule set off down the roadway; ears flat
against its skull。
Calard’s steed flared its nostrils and stamped its hooves; and he fought to keep it under control;
guiding it skilfully with his knees as he took his sword in both hands。 He heard something hiss nearby; the
sound low and sibilant; and he kicked his steed into a canter。 It needed no encouragement; and took
after Chlod instantly。
Glancing back; Calard saw a pack of hunched creatures loping after them。 He could not tell if they
were human or beast; or some horrid blend of the two。
Something caught at his hair; scratching his neck; and Calard swung his sword

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