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Double Eagle(科幻战争)-第2章

小说: Double Eagle(科幻战争) 字数: 每页4000字

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He thumbed the firing stud。 The Wolfcub shuddered slightly as the cannons lit up。 He saw flashflames
licking up from under the curve of the nose cone。 He heard and felt the thump of the
The bat had gone。
He came clear; pulling a wide turn at about two hundred and seventy kilometres an hour。 The
engagement had been over in an instant。 Had he killed it? He sat up into the clear blister of the
canopy like an animal looking out of its burrow; craning around。 If he’d hit it; surely there would be
The only smoke he could see was about a thousand metres above in the pale blue sky where the
main portion of the dogfight was still rolling。
He turned。 First rule of air combat: take a shot and pull off。 Never stick with a target; never go
back。 That made you a target。
But still he had to know。 He had to。
He dipped his starboard wing; searching the peaks below for a trace of fire。
Darrow levelled off。
And there it was。 Right alongside him。
He cried out in astonishment。 The bat was less than a wing’s breadth away; riding along in
parallel with him。 There was not a mark on its burnished white fuselage。
It was playing with him。
Panic rose inside pilot cadet Enric Darrow。 He knew his valiant little Cub could neither outrun
nor out…climb the Hell Razor。 He throttled back hard; and threw on his speed brakes; hoping the
sudden manoeuvre would cause the big machine to overshoot him。
For a moment; it vanished。 Then it was back; on his other side; copying his brake…dive。 Darrow
swore。 The Hell Razor…class were vector…thrust planes。 He was so close to it that he could see the
reactive jet nozzles on the belly under the blade…wings。 It could out…dance any conventional jet;
viffing; braking; even pulling to a near…hover。
Darrow refused to accept he was out…classed; refused to admit he was about to die。 He twisted
the stick; kicked the rudder right over and went into the deepest dive he dared execute。 Any deeper;
and the Wolfcub’s wings would shear off its airframe。
The world rushed up; filling his vision。 He heard the pulsejet screaming。 He saw the glory of the
mountains ascending to meet him。 His mountains。 His world。 The world he had joined up to save。
Behind him; the pearl…white enemy machine tucked in effortlessly and followed him down。
Theda MAB North; 07。02
Sometimes—times like this perfect dawn; for instance—it amused August Kaminsky to play a
private game。 The game was called “pretend there isn’t a war”。
It was relatively easy in some respects。 It was quiet; and the night chill was giving way to a still
cool as the sunrise came up over the city。 From where he sat; he could see the wide bay; hazy in the
morning mist; and the sea beyond it; blue…grey; glittering。 The city of Theda itself—a mix of pale
rockcrete towers; low…rise hab…stacks and pylon steeples—was peaceful and quiet; huddled on the
anner; as it had done for twenty…nine centuries。 Sea birds
wheeled overhead; which spoiled it slightly; because he envied them their wings and their freedom;
but still; at these times; it was easy to play the game。
Theda was not Kaminsky’s birth…town (he’d been delivered; a silent; uncomplaining infant;
forty…two years earlier and three thousand kilometres north in the Great Hive of Enothopolis on the
far side of the Zophonian Sea); but he had; unilaterally; adopted it。 It was smaller than the Great
Hive; prettier; a littoral town that understood the mechanisms of the sea and; with its universitariat
and its many scholams; was famous as a seat of learning。 It was older than the Great Hive too。 The
Old Town quarter had been standing for three hundred years when the first technocrats began
sinking their adamantine pilings into the Ursbond Peninsula to raise Enothopolis。 Theda; dear old
Theda; was one of the first cities of Enothis。
Kaminsky had adopted Theda partly because of its distinguished past; mostly because he’d been
stationed there for six years。 He’d come to know it well: its eating houses; its coastal pavilions and
piers; its libraries and museums。 It was the place he’d always longed to return to every time he
snapped the canopy shut and waved the fitters away。 And it was the place he always had come back
Even the last time。
“You there! Driver!”
The voice broke through his thoughts。 He sat up in the worn leather seat of the cargo transport
and looked out。 Senior Pincheon; the Munitorum despatcher; was coming over the hard pan towards
him; three aides wobbling along in his wake like novice wingmen。 Pincheon’s long robes fluttered
out behind him and his boots were raising dust from the dry earth。 His voice was pitched high; like
the seabirds’ calls。
Kaminsky didn’t like Pincheon much。 His game was ruined now。 The senior’s call had made
him drop his eyeline to take in the ground and the airfield。 And no one could pretend there wasn’t a
war when they saw that。
Kaminsky opened his cab door and climbed down to meet the senior。 He’d been up since five
waiting for despatch; sipping caffeine from a flask and munching on a coil of whisp…bread。
“Senior;” he said; saluting。 He didn’t have to。 The unctuous man had no military rank; but old
habits; like Kaminsky himself; died hard。 Pincheon had a data…slate in his hands。 He looked up and
down Kaminsky; and the grubby transport behind him。
“Driver Kaminsky; A? Vehicle 167?”
“As you well know; senior;” said Kaminsky。
Pincheon made a check in one of the boxes on his slate。 “Fuelled and roadworthy?”
Kaminsky nodded。 “As of 05。00。 I was issued coupons for sixty litres of two…grade; and I filled
up at the depot before I came on duty。”
Pincheon checked another box。 “Do you have the chit?”
Kaminsky produced the paper slip from his coat pocket; smoothed it flat; and handed it to the
Pincheon studied it。 “Sixty point zero…zero…three litres; driver?”
Kaminsky shrugged。 “The nozzle guns aren’t really accurate; senior。 I stopped it when it wound
over sixty; but the last few drops—”
“You should take care to be more accurate;” Pincheon said flatly。 One of his aides nodded。
“Have you ever fuelled a vehicle from the depot tanks; senior?” Kaminsky said lightly。
“Of course not!”
“Well; if you had; you might know how tricky it is to get the wind exact。”
“Don’t you blame me for your inaccuracies; driver!” Pincheon sputtered。 “Essential resources
such as fuel must be managed and rationed to the millilitre! That is the task of the Holy Munitorum!
There’s a war on; don’t you realise?”
“I had heard…”
Senior Pincheon ignored him and looked at the nodding aide。 “What’s zero…zero…three of a litre
two…grade at base cost?”
The aide made a quick calculation on his pocket slate。 “Rounding down; ten and a half credits;
“Round up。 And deduct it from the next wage slip of driver Kaminsky; A。”
“So recorded; senior。”
Pincheon turned back to Kaminsky。 “Transportation run。 Personnel。 Pick up within thirty
minutes from the Hotel Imperial in—”
“I know where it is。”
“Good。 Convey them to the dispersal point at MAB South。 Do you understand? Fine。 Then sign
As he signed his name; his stiffened fingers struggling with the stylus; Kaminsky asked: “Are
they fliers? Navy fliers at last?”
Pincheon huffed。 “Not for me to say。 There’s a war on。”
“You think I don’t know that; senior?” Kaminsky asked。
As he took back the slate and the stylus; Pincheon looked up at Kaminsky’s face and made eye
contact for the first time。 What he saw made him shudder。
“Carry on; driver;” he said; and hurried away。
Kaminsky climbed up into his battered transport and turned the engine over。 Blue smoke
coughed and spurted from the vertical exhausts。 Lifting the brake; he rolled the ten…wheeler down
the gentle slope of the hardpan and drove off along the field circuit trackway; following the chain
link fence。
The game was certainly ruined now。 No pretending any more。 Here were fuel bowsers; smeared
with treacly black promethium waste; armoured hangars; repair sheds reverberating with the noise
of power tools; lines of primer coils on their trolleys; electric munitions trains parked and empty on
verges of swishing sap…grass。
And airstrips。 Cracked rockcrete looking like psoriatic skin in the early light; with eight…engine
bombers sulking on their hardstands; props like sabre…blades raised in threat; hook…winged Shrike
dive…bombers under tarps; fitters and armourers working around them。
Beyond the strips; facing the sea; lay the long launch ramps of the Wolfcubs; stretched out like
exposed spinal chords; glinting and skeletal in the rising sun。
Five Wolfcubs sat on taxi…racks at the head of the ramps。 Bottle green with grey undersides; they
were tiny; one…man planes with stubby wings and tails; their rocket engines raised above their backs;
their nose guns muzzled。 They looked squat; leaden。
But Kaminsky knew how they felt to fly。 He knew how they rose off those catapult ramps;
throttles right back; pulse…engines farting and popping as the airflow fired them to launch velocity。
The belly…dropping jink as they cleared the ramp end and lifted up into the blue; raw and throbbing。
The cold smell of the cockpit。 The reek of rubber 

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