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Double Eagle(科幻战争)-第57章

小说: Double Eagle(科幻战争) 字数: 每页4000字

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Lucerna AB; 15。10
The noise of the jets died away。 As Jagdea and her wing…men dismounted; the fitter teams and the
other flight pilots applauded。 Jagdea knew they were saluting a hell of a fight; a clutch of good kills;
and the fact that all four were back alive。 They were also showing support for Viltry on his
successful debut。
But it felt wrong。 Not just because of Hayyes。 How many Imperial planes had she seen go down
in that one brawl? Men were dying at a hell of a rate。
“Good work;” she said to Cordiale; who had sat down on the deck to unlace his boots and
massage circulation back into his feet。 Exposure to multiple negative G events often left a pilot with
pins and needles; or worse。
“Thanks; commander;” he said。
Viltry was removing his helmet。 He looked pale; shaken; but there was a grin on his face。
“Enjoy that?” she asked。
“Of course not。”
“You did well; Viltry。 Like you’ve been on Thunderbolts for years。”
He smoothed his sweat…flattened hair。 “I must admit it was fun cutting loose in something so
agile。 You forget how heavy Marauders are。”
Marquall was just climbing down from Nine…Nine。
“Nice going; Marquall;” she said。 “You kept your head。” She dropped her voice so only he could
hear her。 “Don’t ever ignore a direct instruction again; pilot。 I called you out because it was time to
go。 That happens; you obey without question。 Are we clear on that?”
He looked at the deck。 “Yes; commander。”
She walked away。 “Rearm and refuel; please!” she shouted to the fitter crews; knowing they
were already on it。
A tall man in a Commonwealth uniform was waiting for her with Blansher。
“Major Frans Scalter;” Blansher said; by way of introduction。 Jagdea shook Scalter’s hand and
looked him up and down。 Scalter had a slightly stunned expression。
“I take it you’ve explained the basics to Major Scalter; Mil?”
“I took the liberty of spoiling your surprise; commander。”
Jagdea looked at Scalter。 “Well; major? Are you interested in taking a place in my flight?
Commander Eads has given you his personal recommendation。”
Scalter opened his mouth; but couldn’t find any words immediately。 He nodded; and then said;
“I would be honoured; Commander Jagdea。 I have been longing to get the chance to fly for my
home world again。”
“That’s agreed then。 Good。 Your designation will be Umbra Seven。 Mil; if you’re busy with
Kaminsky; find someone like Del Ruth or Cordiale to get Mr Scalter oriented; kitted up; and
checked out on a simulator。”
“Yes; mamzel;” said Blansher。 “You off somewhere?”
“I won’t be long;” said Jagdea。
Marquall stood by his bird for a while; stripping off his jacket and gloves; not wanting to mix
with the others。
“Everything all right; sir?” asked Racklae。
“Fine;” he replied。 He was hardly going to tell his fitter that he was still smarting from the
dressing down Jagdea had given him。 At least she’d had the decency not to do it in front of the
He wandered across the hangar space; through the teams of working fitters; skirting a power
lifter as it offered up munitions drums; stopping to let an electric bowser trundle past。
Kaminsky was seated on a jerry can beside his Thunderbolt; carefully studying a data…slate of
specifications and procedures。
“Hi;” said Marquall。
The shockingly…scarred face tilted up at him。 “Hello。 Marquall; right?”
“Yeah。 So… you got your wish; then?”
“I beg your pardon?” Kaminsky replied。
“That night in Zara’s。 You said you’d give anything to be like me。 To fly again。”
“Ah; I did; didn’t I?”
Marquall nodded。 “I can’t quite remember if it was before or after you called me a bastard and a
waste of space; and suggested I shot myself to make the sector a better place。”
“Damn;” said Kaminsky。 He put the slate down carefully; but still did not get to his feet。 “I was
kinda hoping you’d forgotten about that。 Yes; I got my wish; Marquall。 And what about you? Fallen
off any barstools recently?”
Marquall coloured。 “No;” he said。
Kaminsky picked up the slate and started to read it again。 “Then it sounds like things are
working out for both of us;” he said。
Lucerna AB; 16。01
Eads had quarters in the lower levels of the base。 The evacuation influx had put huge pressure on
accommodation。 The rock cut passages down here smelled damp; and the glow globe lighting was
poor。 Some of the rooms she saw were storage bays; and she was sure the quarters she passed had
also been storage bays until recently。
She found Eads’s room and knocked on the metal hatch。 After a moment; it opened and Darrow
peered out。
“Commander Jagdea?”
“I’ve come to see Eads。”
“Yes; mamzel。 He’s expecting you。”
Darrow opened the door and let her in。 The room was small and bare。 Litter had been swept into
one corner。 There was a camp table and two chairs; an unmade cot; and a bottle of amasec with a
dirty glass。
The one concession to comfort was an old; tatty armchair。 Eads was sitting in it; apparently
“I can come back;” Jagdea whispered。
“I’m awake; Jagdea。 Just resting my thoughts。 It was a long and demanding shift。”
Darrow collected up a stack of data…slates and paper files from the table。
“I was just finishing the shift reports;” he told Jagdea。 “I’ll get out of your way。”
“No; stay;” she said。 He paused; and put the paperwork back down。
“Excuse the drabness;” said Eads。 “I’m told it’s drab。 I can’t help it。 I came out of Theda with
just the clothes I was standing up in。 Take a seat and let’s get down to business。”
Jagdea sat down; and put the folder she was carrying on the table。 “I saw the white bat today;”
she said。
“Did you?” said Eads。 “That devil’s still out there; then?”
“It reminded me of the notice of report that had been circulated at the time of the Lida incident。
This report;” she said; tapping the folder。 “It contains a written account of a brawl with the bat。 Very
useful; very cautionary。 It’s been required reading for the Navy wings。 You wrote it; didn’t you;
“I did; commander;” the young man replied。
The report also contained your commanding officer’s account。 “I forget his name。”
“Major Heckel;” Darrow said。
“Major Heckel。 Not confined by modesty as you were in your part of the file; he describes the
most extraordinary piece of flying。”
“Heckel was not exaggerating;” said Eads quietly。 “He said it was one of the most gifted
displays of natural ability he’d ever seen。”
“So it seems;” said Jagdea。 “Out…running an expert killer; probably an echelon commander; a
pilot at the height of his powers。 What’s more; doing it in a totally out…classed machine that lacked
the speed; power and vector abilities of the enemy’s bat。 What puzzles me is this; Commander Eads。
When I came to you asking for recommendations; you chose to ignore the young pilot serving with
you on a daily basis。” Eads was silent。
“Commander?” Darrow said softly。 “May I ask… recommendations for what?”
“My wing is short a frontline pilot; Darrow。”
“You… you’d consider me?” he said; astonished。
“I understand you’ve been clocking simulator time on Thunderbolts;” Jagdea said。
“I have;” said Darrow。 “Sixty hours。 Who told you?”
“Major Scalter。 So where does this leave us?”
Eads sat forward; his hands on his knees。 “Enric’s not the one you’re looking for; commander;”
he said。
“Why not?” Darrow asked sharply。 “I’m sorry; sir;” he added; adjusting his tone。 “Why not;
Eads addressed his answer to Jagdea。 “He’s barely a cadet; Jagdea! His combat hours are
minimal。 Oh; he’s got talent。 But that one dogfight? It was luck。 He got very lucky indeed。 If you
send him into combat now; he will die。 He’s not ready。 My recommendation would be an act of
Darrow rose to his feet。 “I disagree; sir。”
“It’s not up to you; Enric;” Eads said。
“Isn’t it?” Jagdea asked。
“How will I ever be ready if I don’t get the experience?” Darrow said。
“This is not the time;” said Eads。
“Oh; I think there’s no time like it;” said Jagdea。 “Enothis needs all her pilots for this war;
Commander Eads。 If men like Darrow don’t try; then there may not be a future available for other
“I won’t have his blood on my conscience;” said Eads emphatically。 “I will not recommend
Jagdea looked at Darrow。 “I think it’s up to an individual wing leader to decide if she needs a
man to be recommended before she takes him。 Your objection is noted; commander; and your
loyalty in trying to protect him is admirable。 Cadet Darrow; I’m offering you that place。 Will you
take it?”
“Yes; commander。 Gladly。” Darrow looked over at Eads。 “I’m sorry; sir。”
Jagdea got to her feet and collected her folder。 “You’ll have to report immediately; Darrow。 You
can come with me now。”
They walked to the hatch。 In the doorway; Darrow turned and saluted crisply。 “Call that a
salute?” Eads said。
“Yes; sir。”
Eads rose to his feet stiffly; and then saluted back。 “That’s a salute;” he said; and sat down again。
“Good luck; son。 Prove me wrong。”
Darrow followed Jagdea down the passageways to one of the main staircases。 They clattered up
the stone steps; side by side。 

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