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Double Eagle(科幻战争)-第8章

小说: Double Eagle(科幻战争) 字数: 每页4000字

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managed to get it just about off the main track before the engine uttered its death…rattle; and now the
venerable Conqueror…type battle tank was slumped as if in repose。
The fine; dry sand was slowly dimpling under its sixty…two tonnes and it was beginning to keel;
submerged up to the axles on the port side。
LeGuin walked around it once; feeling the heat radiating off its metal hull on his face。 There was
a clatter of tools and one of the regimental aux techs appeared out of the rear hatch; his face red and
shiny from exertion。
“Well?” asked LeGuin。
“Coolant’s dry and the main cylinder block has just fused。 Running too hard; too long。 And
there’s sand in everything。”
LeGuin nodded。 “Strip out anything portable or consumable。 Munitions; batteries; vox; pintle
weapons; any water or fuel in the reserves。 Strip it out and transfer it to transports。 Make it fast;
“Yes; captain。”
LeGuin glanced round at Lieutenant Klodas; the Fury’s commander。 His driver; loader and
gunners stood nearby in a shabby; respectful group; caps in their hands; like mourners at a funeral。
LeGuin saw that Klodas was trying not to cry。
“No wasting surplus water; please; Klodas;” he said。 “We’ve got a bloody long way to go yet。”
Klodas sniffed and nodded。 LeGuin felt bad for being so hard on the junior officer。 Losing a
steed; as LeGuin well knew; was like losing a best friend; sibling; parent and faithful hound all in
one go。 The average tanker lived in his machine; fought with it; killed from it and had been saved by
it。 He owed it; he trusted it and knew its foibles。 To leave it for dead at the side of a desert track
seemed… criminal。
Besides; simply as a piece of military technology; these tanks were priceless。 Precious few of the
original units remained in active service。 The great forge worlds were manufacturing modem pattern
copies as fast as they were able; but the craft was getting lost; many of the tech secrets were being
forgotten; or had never been recorded。 LeGuin himself knew; as a bitter certainty; virtually no forge
worlds were now capable of hand…crafting the specialist L/D cannon for a tank hunter。
Fury of Pardua was one of the 8th’s oldest Leman Russ examples; painstakingly maintained and
repaired for twenty…three centuries。 Even in its current pitiful state—seized up; burnt…out and fried
dry—it deserved to be recovered and hauled away for full salvage or refit。
But that wasn’t going to happen。 There was no time; no resources and—if they all stood there
much longer—no one left alive。
LeGuin looked back down the trail。 In the glare of the blow…torch sun; a column of men and
machines wound towards him across the sandpaper terrain; blurred by heat and dust。 Every ten
seconds; another tank or carrier grumbled past; kicking up grit。 LeGuin’s eyes were at a permanent
squint。 The retreat column stretched back as far as he could see; and it was only one of a hundred or
more threading their way desperately across the scorched earth and billowing dunes of the northwestern
sief。 Such was the fate of Lord Militant Humel’s great “land armada”; which had almost
reached the gateways of the Trinity Hives to purge Enothis; before being turned back by the
unbelievable ferocity of replenished Archenemy forces。
The abject wreck of the Fury of Pardua seemed to Captain LeGuin an appropriate symbol for
this disastrous retreat: a great; proud beast from another age; beaten to extinction by the foe and the
climate; left to rot into the consuming sands where only future archaeologists might ever expose its
dry bones again。
LeGuin looked north; watching the dust trail of the vehicles that had passed ahead。 Men trudged
beside crawling machines; as thirsty for water as the vehicles were for oil。 Some rode on fenders or
straddled body plating。 Every few kilometres something needed to be repaired; dug free or pulled
out of soft sand by the Atlas teams。 The Fury was not the first piece of armour to be abandoned at
the roadside。 The miserable route back to the Trinity Hives was marked with the corpses of
machines that had died along the way。
Died or been killed。 The Archenemy was not letting them run unmolested。
Klodas had flagged down a half…track weapons carrier; and his crew was formed into a human
chain to ship what was salvageable from the Conqueror。
“Don’t take too long;” LeGuin told him。
LeGuin walked back to his own steed; wiping his brow with a hand that came away black with
perspiration and grit。 As he walked; he looked up into the relentless sky。 Where would the next
attack come from? Up there? Or; as the vox…reports from back down the column suggested; were the
enemy land forces now beginning to nip at their heels too?
The Line of Death sat waiting for its commander。 As he climbed up; he patted its flank; even
though the sun…roasted metal scorched his hand。 The Line was an Exterminator…type assault tank; its
chassis the same basic pattern as the heavier Conqueror。 Its turret…mounted twin autocannons could
produce an astonishingly savage field of rapid firepower。 The tank was painted dust…red; though that
wash was scuffed down to the chrome base metal in many places。 Its name was painted on the
turret’s mantlet; and its regiment—8th Pardus Armoured—was embossed above the sponsons beside
an Imperial double eagle crest。
LeGuin clambered over the drums of spare munitions webbed to the rear cowling and hopped up
into the turret。 Matredes; his gunner; was waiting for him in the top hatchway。
“We going?”
Matredes shouted down to Emdeen; the driver; and the VI2 engine revved。 They lurched
onwards; treads clattering; and rejoined the file。
The Line had not been LeGuin’s for long and; though he tried to bond with the steed; they were
not tight。 For most of his career; LeGuin had been a Destroyer man; commander of the tank killer
Grey Venger。 Thirty…four kills they’d shared; until Venger had fallen to enemy fire on the shrine
world Hagia three years before。 LeGuin might have happily burned with his steed; but his life had
been saved by the selfless action of an infantry scout called Mkoll; a man LeGuin respected enough
not to be angry with。
On his return to regimental headquarters; they’d assigned LeGuin this can。 He’d wanted another
Destroyer; naturally; for that’s where his skills and training lay; but there were just none available。
On the rare occasions one of that ancient marque came up for transfer or reassignment; it was
usually a reconditioned hulk with lousy bearings; a rebored engine and some useless firework in
place of the precious; specialist L/D cannon。
So; disguising his disappointment; LeGuin had become an assault tanker; riding his new steed in
with Humel’s doomed Enothian campaign。
The Line spurred forward。 Under the present circumstances; the memory of his disappointment
seemed ridiculously insignificant and made LeGuin smile。 So; he hadn’t been assigned the steed he
wanted。 Shame。 If only that was the worst thing he had to deal with now。
All that mattered at this moment was what was going to get them first: the desert or the enemy。
Even with the internal compartments filter…sealed; it was like an oven in the Exterminator。
LeGuin dared not use the air exchanger for fear of depleting fuel even further。 Matredes was
studying the charts by the light of a red bulb overhead; and he said something。 LeGuin had put on
his ear…baffles already; and now he switched on the internal intercom。
“Say again?”
“Another forty kilometres; and we should be reaching rougher terrain… open karst。 That’ll mark
the beginnings of the rift。”
LeGuin nodded。 The rift; and the mountains beyond it; represented the second and third of the
great barriers the columns would have to overcome in order to reach safe territory。 The desert was
just the beginning。 But it gave him some sense of hope。 These were palpable markers that he could
tick off。
LeGuin popped the hatch and sat up; taking the electroscope Matredes passed to him。 The Line
of Death was travelling in the forward quarter of the retreating column。 According to unconfirmed
rumours; some of the Imperial elements had already reached the Makanite passes; on the doorstep of
safety。 According to other rumours; enemy rapid assault units had reached there too; gunning to
deny them。
He scanned ahead through the scope; trying to brace against the lurch of the machine。 Every
view was filtered by heat haze and whirling dust。 But there did now seem to be something far ahead。
A slender blue…white line。 Mountains; or a daylight dream?
The vox chattered something he didn’t quite catch。 A moment later; he didn’t need it repeated。
Flickering shadows shot north overhead; and he heard the rush of afterburners above the roar of the
tank’s engine。
Two dark red shapes in the bright sky; moving as fast as arrows; curled in low above the column
ahead。 He saw flashes; sprays of sand; then heard the rolling crump of detonating munitions。 A
kilometre away; something caught fire and began to smudge the sky with a thick spout of oily; black
“Alarm! Alarm!” he shouted into the vox。 The Line’s turret weapons were already cranked to
maximum elevation; but there was no poi

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