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首发偶发空缺 (临时空缺)-第16章

小说: 首发偶发空缺 (临时空缺) 字数: 每页4000字

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nal; not at all the kind of man that Kay usually went for。 He had poured out the story of his broken relationship; and then gone home with her to the flat in Hackney。 He had been keen while the affair remained long…distance; visiting at weekends and telephoning her regularly; but when; by a miracle; she had got the job in Yarvil; for less money; and put her flat in Hackney on the market; he had seemed to take fright … )

‘His line’s still busy; would you like to hold?’

‘Yes; please;’ said Kay miserably。

(If she and Gavin did not work out … but they had to work out。 She had moved for him; changed jobs for him; uprooted her daughter for him。 He would never have let that happen; surely; unless his intentions were serious? He must have thought through the consequences if they split up: how awful and awkward it would be; running across each other constantly in a tiny town like Pagford?)

‘Putting you through;’ said the secretary; and Kay’s hopes soared。

‘Hi;’ said Gavin。 ‘How are you?’

‘Fine;’ lied Kay; because Alex and Una were listening。 ‘Are you having a good day?’

‘Busy;’ said Gavin。 ‘You?’

She waited; the phoned pressed tightly against her ear; pretending that he was speaking to her; listening to the silence。

‘I wondered whether you wanted to meet up tonight;’ she asked finally; feeling sick。

‘Er … I don’t think I can;’ he said。

How can you not know? What have you got on?

‘I might have to do something … it’s Mary。 Barry’s wife。 She wants me to be a pall…bearer。 So I might have to … I think I’ve got to find out what that involves and everything。’

Sometimes; if she simply remained quiet; and let the inadequacy of his excuses reverberate on the air; he became ashamed and backtracked。

‘I don’t suppose that’ll take all evening; though;’ he said。 ‘We could meet up later; if you wanted。’

‘All right; then。 Do you want to e over to mine; as it’s a school night?’

‘Er … yeah; OK。’

‘What time?’ she asked; wanting him to make one decision。

‘I dunno … nine…ish?’

After he had rung off; Kay kept the phone pressed tightly to her ear for a few moments; then said; for the benefit of Alex and Una; ‘I do; too。 See you later; babe。’

As guidance teacher; Tessa’s hours varied more than her husband’s。 She usually waited until the end of the school day to take their son home in her Nissan; leaving Colin (whom Tessa – although she knew what the rest of the world called him; including nearly all the parents who had caught the habit from their children – never addressed as Cubby) to follow them; an hour or two later; in his Toyota。 Today; though; Colin met Tessa in the car park at twenty…past four; while the schoolchildren were still swarming out of the front gates into parental cars; or onto their free buses。

The sky was a cold iron…grey; like the underside of a shield。 A sharp breeze lifted the hems of skirts and rattled the leaves on the immature trees; a spiteful; chill wind that sought out your weakest places; the nape of your neck and your knees; and which denied you the fort of dreaming; of retreating a little from reality。 Even after she had closed the car door on it; Tessa felt ruffled and put out; as she would have been by somebody crashing into her without apology。

Beside her in the passenger seat; his knees absurdly high in the cramped confines of her car; Colin told Tessa what the puting teacher had e to his office to tell him; twenty minutes previously。

‘… not there。 Didn’t turn up for the whole double period。 Said he thought he’d better e straight and tell me。 So that’ll be all over the staff room; tomorrow。 Exactly what he wants;’ said Colin furiously; and Tessa knew that they were not talking about the puting teacher any more。 ‘He’s just sticking two fingers up at me; as usual。’

Her husband was pale with exhaustion; with shadows beneath his reddened eyes; and his hands were twitching slightly on the handle of his briefcase。 Fine hands; with big knuckles and long slender fingers; they were not altogether dissimilar from their son’s。 Tessa had pointed this out to her husband and son recently; neither had evinced the smallest pleasure at the thought that there was some faint physical resemblance between them。

‘I don’t think he’s—’ began Tessa; but Colin was talking again。

‘—So; he’ll get detention like everyone else and I’ll damn well punish him at home too。 We’ll see how he likes that; shall we? We’ll see whether that’s a laughing matter。 We can start by grounding him for a week; we’ll see how funny that is。’
Biting back her response; Tessa scanned the sea of black…clad students; walking with heads down; shivering; drawing their thin coats close; their hair blown into their mouths。 A chubby…cheeked and slightly bewildered…looking first year was looking all around for a lift that had not arrived。 The crowd parted and there was Fats; loping along with Arf Price as usual; the wind blowing his hair off his gaunt face。 Sometimes; at certain angles; in certain lights; it was easy to see what Fats would look like as an old man。 For an instant; from the depths of her tiredness; he seemed a plete stranger; and Tessa thought how extraordinary it was that he was turning away to walk towards her car; and that she would have to go back out into that horrible hyper…real breeze to let him in。 But when he reached them; and gave her his small grimace of a smile; he reconstituted himself immediately into the boy she loved in spite of it all; and she got out again; and stood stoically in the knife…sharp wind while he folded himself into the car with his father; who had not offered to move。

They pulled out of the car park; ahead of the free buses; and set off through Yarvil; past the ugly; broken…down houses of the Fields; towards the bypass that would speed them back to Pagford。 Tessa watched Fats in the rear…view mirror。 He was slumped in the back; gazing out of the window; as though his parents were two people who had picked him up hitchhiking; connected to him merely by chance and proximity。

Colin waited until they reached the bypass; then he asked; ‘Where were you when you should have been in puting this afternoon?’

Tessa glanced irresistibly into the mirror again。 She saw her son yawn。 Sometimes; even though she denied it endlessly to Colin; Tessa wondered whether Fats really was waging a dirty; personal war on his father with the whole school as audience。 She knew things about her son she would not have known if she had not worked in guidance; students told her things; sometimes innocently; sometimes slyly。

Miss; do you mind Fats smoking? D’you let him do it at home?

She locked away this small repository of illicit booty; obtained unintentionally; and brought it to neither her husband’s nor her son’s attention; even though it dragged at her; weighed on her。

‘Went for a walk;’ Fats said calmly。 ‘Thought I’d stretch the old legs。’

Colin twisted in his seat to look at Fats; straining against his seat belt as he shouted; his gestures further restricted and hampered by his overcoat and briefcase。 When he lost control; Colin’s voice rose higher and higher; so that he was shouting almost in falsetto。 Through it all; Fats sat in silence; an insolent half…smile curving his thin mouth; until his father was screaming insults at him; insults that were blunted by Colin’s innate dislike of swearing; his self…consciousness when he did it。

‘You cocky; self…centred little … little shit;’ he screamed; and Tessa; whose eyes were so full of tears that she could barely see the road; was sure that Fats would be duplicating Colin’s timid; falsetto swearing for the benefit of Andrew Price tomorrow morning。

Fats does a great imitation of Cubby’s walk; miss; have you seen it?

‘How dare you talk to me like that? How dare you skip classes?’

Colin screamed and raged; and Tessa had to blink the tears out of her eyes as she took the turning to Pagford and drove through the Square; past Mollison and Lowe; the war memorial and the Black Canon; she turned left at St Michael and All Saints into Church Row; and; at last; into the driveway of their house; by which time Colin had shouted himself into squeaky hoarseness and Tessa’s cheeks were glazed and salty。 When they all got out; Fats; whose expression had not altered a whit during his father’s long diatribe; let himself in through the front door with his own key; and proceeded upstairs at a leisurely pace without looking back。

Colin threw his briefcase down in the dark hall and rounded on Tessa。 The only illumination came from the stained…glass panel over the front door; which cast strange colours over his agitated; domed and balding head; half bloody; half ghostly blue。
‘D’you see?’ he cried; waving his long arms; ‘D’you see what I’m dealing with?’

‘Yes;’ she said; taking a handful of tissues from the box on the hall table and mopping her face; blowing her nose。 ‘Yes; I do。’

‘Not a thought in his head for what we’re going through!’ said Colin; and he started to sob; big whooping dry sobs; like a child with croup。 Tessa hurried forward and put her arms around Colin’s ches

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