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首发偶发空缺 (临时空缺)-第22章

小说: 首发偶发空缺 (临时空缺) 字数: 每页4000字

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‘You fuckin’ calm down;’ Krystal said。 Shaking; she wiped her face with her forearm; then marched back over to her mother’s chair。 Terri flinched; but Krystal merely snatched up the cigarette packet; slid out the last cigarette and a lighter; and lit up。 Puffing on the cigarette; she walked away from her mother to the window and turned her back; trying to press away more tears before they fell。

‘OK;’ said Kay; still standing; ‘if we can talk about this calmly—’

‘Oh; fuck off;’ said Terri dully。

‘This is about Robbie;’ Kay said。 She was still on her feet; scared to relax。 ‘That’s what I’m here for。 To make sure that Robbie is all right。’

‘So ’e missed fuckin’ nursery;’ said Krystal; from the window。 ‘Tha’s norra fuckin’ crime。’

‘… norra fuckin’ crime;’ agreed Terri; in a dim echo。

‘This isn’t only about nursery;’ said Kay。 ‘Robbie was unfortable and sore when I saw him yesterday。 He’s much too old to be wearing a nappy。’

‘I took ’im outta the fuckin’ nappy; ’e’s in pants now; I toldja!’ said Krystal furiously。

‘I’m sorry; Terri;’ said Kay; ‘but you weren’t in any fit condition to have sole charge of a small child。’

‘I never—’

‘You can keep telling me you haven’t used;’ Kay said; and Krystal heard something real and human in Kay’s voice for the first time: exasperation; irritation。 ‘But you’re going to be tested at the clinic。 We both know you’re going to test positive。 They’re saying it’s your last chance; that they’ll throw you out again。’

Terri wiped her mouth with the back of her hand。

‘Look; I can see neither of you wants to lose Robbie—’

‘Don’ fuckin’ take him away; then!’ shouted Krystal。

‘It’s not as simple as that;’ said Kay。 She sat down again and lifted the heavy folder back onto her lap from the floor where it had fallen。 ‘When Robbie came back to you last year; Terri; you were off the heroin。 You made a big mitment to staying clean and going through the programme; and you agreed to certain other things; like keeping Robbie in nursery—’

‘Yeh; an’ I took ’im—’

‘—for a bit;’ said Kay。 ‘For a bit you did; but; Terri; a token effort isn’t enough。 After what I found when I called here yesterday; and after talking to your key drug worker and to Mrs Harper; I’m afraid I think we need to have another look at how things are working。’

‘What’s that mean?’ said Krystal。 ‘Another fuckin’ case review; is it? Why’djer need one; though? Why’djer need one? He’s all righ’; I’m lookin’ after – fuckin’ shurrup!’ she screamed at Terri; who was trying to shout along from her chair。 ‘She ain’ – I’m lookin’ after ’im; all righ’?’ she bellowed at Kay; pink in the face; her heavily kohled eyes brimming with tears of anger; jabbing a finger at her own chest。

Krystal had visited Robbie regularly at his foster parents during the month he had been away from them。 He had clung to her; wanted her to stay for tea; cried when she left。 It had been like having half your guts cut out of you and held hostage。 Krystal had wanted Robbie to go to Nana Cath’s; the way she had gone all those times in her childhood; whenever Terri had fallen apart。 But Nana Cath was old and frail now; and she had no time for Robbie。

‘I understand that you love your brother and that you’re doing your best for him; Krystal;’ Kay said; ‘but you’re not Robbie’s legal—’

‘Why ain’ I? I’m his fuckin’ sister; ain’ I?’

‘All right;’ said Kay firmly。 ‘Terri; I think we need to face facts here。 Bellchapel will definitely throw you off the programme if you turn up; claim you haven’t used and then test positive。 Your drug worker made that perfectly clear to me on the phone。’

Shrunken in the armchair; a strange hybrid of old lady and child with her missing teeth; Terri’s gaze was vacant and inconsolable。

‘I think the only way you can possibly avoid being thrown out;’ Kay went on; ‘is to admit; up front; that you’ve used; take responsibility for the lapse and show your mitment to turning over a new leaf。’

Terri simply stared。 Lying was the only way Terri knew to meet her many accusers。 Yeah; all righ’; go on; then; give it ’ere; and then; No; I never; no I ain’; I never fuckin’ did …

‘Was there any particular reason you used heroin this week; when you’re already on a big dose of methadone?’ Kay asked。

‘Yeah;’ said Krystal。 ‘Yeah; because Obbo turned up; an’ she never fuckin’ says no to ’im!’

‘Shurrup;’ said Terri; but without heat。 She seemed to be trying to take in what Kay had said to her: this bizarre; dangerous advice about telling the truth。

‘Obbo;’ repeated Kay。 ‘Who’s Obbo?’

‘Fuckin’ tosser;’ said Krystal。

‘Your dealer?’ asked Kay。

‘Shurrup;’ Terri advised Krystal again。

‘Why didn’ yeh jus’ tell ’im fuckin’ no?’ Krystal shouted at her mother。

‘All right;’ said Kay; again。 ‘Terri; I’m going to call your drug worker back。 I’m going to try and persuade her that I think there would be a benefit to the family from your staying on the programme。’

‘Will yeh?’ asked Krystal; astonished。 She had been thinking of Kay as a huge bitch; a bigger bitch even than that foster mother; with her spotless kitchen and the way she had of speaking kindly to Krystal; which made Krystal feel like a piece of shit。

‘Yes;’ said Kay; ‘I will。 But; Terri; as far as we’re concerned; I mean the Child Protection team; this is serious。 We are going to have to monitor Robbie’s home situation closely。 We need to see a change; Terri。’

‘All righ’; yeah;’ said Terri; agreeing as she agreed to everything; to everyone。

But Krystal said; ‘You will; yeah。 She will。 I’ll help ’er。 She will。’

Shirley Mollison spent Wednesdays at South West General in Yarvil。 Here; she and a dozen fellow volunteers performed non…medical jobs; such as pushing the library trolley around the beds; looking after patients’ flowers and making trips to the shop in the lobby for those who were bed…ridden and without visitors。 Shirley’s favourite activity was going from bed to bed; taking orders for meals。 Once; carrying her clipboard and wearing her laminated pass; she had been mistaken by a passing doctor for a hospital administrator。

The idea of volunteering had e to Shirley during her longest ever conversation with Julia Fawley; during one of the wonderful Christmas parties at Sweetlove House。 Here; she had learned that Julia was involved in fund…raising for the paediatric wing of the local hospital。

‘What we really need is a royal visit;’ Julia had said; her eyes straying to the door over Shirley’s shoulder。 ‘I’m going to get Aubrey to have a quiet word with Norman Bailey。 Excuse me; I must say hello to Lawrence …’

Shirley was left standing there beside the grand piano; saying; ‘Oh; of course; of course;’ to thin air。 She had no idea who Norman Bailey was; but she felt quite light…headed。 The very next day; without even telling Howard what she was up to; she telephoned South West General and asked about volunteer work。 Ascertaining that nothing was required but a blameless character; a sound mind and strong legs; she had demanded an application form。

Volunteer work had opened a whole new; glorious world to Shirley。 This was the dream that Julia Fawley had inadvertently handed her beside the grand piano: that of herself; standing with her hands clasped demurely in front of her; her laminated pass around her neck; while the Queen moved slowly down a line of beaming helpers。 She saw herself dropping a perfect curtsy; the Queen’s attention caught; she stopped to chat; she congratulated Shirley on generously giving her free time … a flash and a photograph; and the newspapers next day … ‘the Queen chats to hospital volunteer Mrs Shirley Mollison …’ Sometimes; when Shirley really concentrated on this imaginary scene; an almost holy feeling came over her。

Volunteering at the hospital had given Shirley a glittering new weapon with which to whittle down Maureen’s pretentions。 When Ken’s widow had been transformed; Cinderella…like; from shop…girl to business partner; she had taken on airs that Shirley (though enduring it all with a pussy…cat smile) found infuriating。 But Shirley had retaken the higher ground; she worked; not for profit but out of the goodness of her heart。 It was classy to volunteer; it was what women did who had no need of extra cash; women like herself and Julia Fawley。 What was more; the hospital gave Shirley access to a vast mine of gossip to drown out Maureen’s tedious prattling about the new café。

This morning; Shirley stated her preference for ward twenty…eight in a firm voice to the volunteer supervisor; and was duly sent off to the oncology department。 She had made her only friend among the nursing staff on ward twenty…eight; some of the young nurses could be curt and patronizing to the volunteers; but Ruth Price; who had recently returned to nursing after a break of sixteen years; had been charming from the first。 They were both; as Shirley put it; Pagford women; which made a bond。

(Though; as it happened; Shirley was not Pagford…born。 She and her younger sister had grown up with their mother in a cra

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