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首发偶发空缺 (临时空缺)-第32章

小说: 首发偶发空缺 (临时空缺) 字数: 每页4000字

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‘Dreadful; this。 Barry。 Awful shock。’

‘Yes;’ she said; loathing him。

‘I always think those frocks look fy; are they?’ he added; nodding at her sari。

She did not answer; but took her place beside Jaswant。 Howard sat down too; making of himself a prodigious plug at the end of the pew that would seal it off to newers。

Shirley’s eyes were fixed respectfully on her knees; and her hands were clasped; apparently in prayer; but she was really mulling over Howard and Parminder’s little exchange about the sari。 Shirley belonged to a section of Pagford that quietly lamented the fact that the Old Vicarage; which had been built long ago to house a High Church vicar with mutton…chop whiskers and a starched…aproned staff; was now home to a family of Hindus (Shirley had never quite grasped what religion the Jawandas were)。 She thought that if she and Howard went to the temple; or the mosque; or wherever it was the Jawandas worshipped; they would doubtless be required to cover their heads and remove their shoes and who knew what else; otherwise there would be outcry。 Yet it was acceptable for Parminder to flaunt her sari in church。 It was not as though Parminder did not have normal clothes; for she wore them to work every day。 The double standard of it all was what rankled; not a thought for the disrespect it showed to their religion; and; by extension; to Barry Fairbrother himself; of whom she was supposed to have been so fond。

Shirley unclasped her hands; raised her head; and gave her attention over to the outfits of people who were passing; and of the size and number of Barry’s floral tributes。 Some of these had been heaped up against the munion rail。 Shirley spotted the offering from the council; for which she and Howard had organized the collection。 It was a large; round traditional wreath of white and blue flowers; which were the colours of Pagford’s arms。 Their flowers and all the other wreaths were overshadowed by the life…sized oar; made of bronze chrysanthemums; which the girls’ rowing team had given。

Sukhvinder turned in her pew to look for Lauren; whose florist mother had made the oar; she wanted to mime that she had seen it and liked it; but the crowd was dense and she could not spot Lauren anywhere。 Sukhvinder was mournfully proud that they had done it; especially when she saw that people were pointing it out to each other as they settled themselves in their seats。 Five of the eight girls on the team had stumped up money for the oar。 Lauren had told Sukhvinder how she had tracked down Krystal Weedon at lunchtime; and exposed herself to the piss…taking of Krystal’s friends; who were sitting smoking on a low wall by the newsagent’s。 Lauren had asked Krystal if she wanted to chip in。 ‘Yeah; I will; all righ’;’ Krystal had said; but she had not; so her name was not on the card。 Nor; as far as Sukhvinder could see; had Krystal e to the funeral。

Sukhvinder’s insides were like lead; but the ache of her left forearm coupled with the sharp twinges of pain when she moved it was a counter…irritant; and at least Fats Wall; glowering in his black suit; was nowhere near her。 He had not made eye contact with her when their two families had met; briefly; in the churchyard; he was restrained by the presence of their parents; as he was sometimes restrained by the presence of Andrew Price。

Late the previous evening; her anonymous cyber…torturer had sent her a black and white picture of a naked Victorian child; covered in soft dark hair。 She had seen it and deleted it while dressing for the funeral。

When had she last been happy? She knew that in a different life; long before anyone had grunted at her; she had sat in this church; and been quite content for years; she had sung hymns with gusto at Christmas; Easter and Harvest Festival。 She had always liked St Michael; with his pretty; feminine; Pre…Raphaelite face; his curly golden hair … but this morning; for the first time; she saw him differently; with his foot resting almost casually on that writhing dark devil; she found his untroubled expression sinister and arrogant。

The pews were packed。 Muffled clunks; echoing footsteps and quiet rustlings animated the dusty air as the unlucky ones continued to file in at the back of the church and took up standing room along the left…hand wall。 Some hopeful souls tiptoed down the aisle in case of an overlooked place in the crammed pews。 Howard remained immovable and firm; until Shirley tapped his shoulder and whispered; ‘Aubrey and Julia!’

At which Howard turned massively; and waved the service sheet to attract the Fawleys’ attention。 They came briskly down the carpeted aisle: Aubrey; tall; thin and balding in his dark suit; Julia with her light…red hair pulled back into a chignon。 They smiled their thanks as Howard moved along; shunting the others up; making sure that the Fawleys had plenty of room。

Samantha was jammed so tightly between Miles and Maureen that she could feel Maureen’s sharp hip joint pressing into her flesh on one side and the keys in Miles’ pocket on the other。 Furious; she attempted to secure herself a centimetre or so more room; but neither Miles nor Maureen had anywhere else to go; so she stared straight ahead; and turned her thoughts vengefully to Vikram; who had lost none of his appeal in the month or so since she had last seen him。 He was so conspicuously; irrefutably good…looking; it was silly; it made you want to laugh。 With his long legs and his broad shoulders; and the flatness of his belly where his shirt tucked into his trousers; and those dark eyes with the thick black lashes; he looked like a god pared to other Pagford men; who were so slack and pallid and porky。 As Miles leaned forward to exchange whispered pleasantries with Julia Fawley; his keys ground painfully into Samantha’s upper thigh; and she imagined Vikram ripping open the navy wrap dress she was wearing; and in her fantasy she had omitted to put on the matching camisole that concealed her deep canyon of cleavage …

The organ stops creaked and silence fell; except for a soft persistent rustle。 Heads turned: the coffin was ing up the aisle。

The pall…bearers were almost ically mismatched: Barry’s brothers were both five foot six; and Colin Wall; at the rear; six foot two; so that the back end of the coffin was considerably higher than the front。 The coffin itself was not made of polished mahogany; but of wickerwork。

It’s a bloody picnic basket! thought Howard; outraged。

Looks of surprise flitted across many faces as the willow box passed them; but some had known all about the coffin in advance。 Mary had told Tessa (who had told Parminder) how the choice of material had been made by Fergus; Barry’s eldest son; who wanted willow because it was a sustainable; quick…growing material and therefore environmentally friendly。 Fergus was a passionate enthusiast for all things green and ecologically sound。

Parminder liked the willow coffin better; much better; than the stout wooden box in which most English disposed of their dead。 Her grandmother had always had a superstitious fear of the soul being trapped inside something heavy and solid; deploring the way that British undertakers nailed down the lids。 The pall…bearers lowered the coffin onto the brocade…draped bier and retreated: Barry’s son; brothers and brother…in…law edged into the front pews; and Colin walked jerkily back to join his family。

For two quaking seconds Gavin hesitated。 Parminder could tell that he was unsure of where to go; his only option to walk back down the aisle under the eyes of three hundred people。 But Mary must have made a sign to him; because he ducked; blushing furiously; into the front pew beside Barry’s mother。 Parminder had only ever spoken to Gavin when she had tested and treated him for chlamydia。 He had never met her gaze again。

‘I am the resurrection and the life; saith the Lord; he that believeth in me; though he were dead; yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die …’

The vicar did not sound as if he were thinking about the sense of the words issuing from his mouth; but only about his own delivery; which was sing…song and rhythmic。 Parminder was familiar with his style; she had attended carol services for years with all the other St Thomas’s parents。 Long acquaintance had not reconciled her to the white…faced warrior saint staring down at her; nor all the dark wood; the hard pews; the alien altar with its jewelled golden cross; nor the dirgey hymns; which she found chilly and unsettling。

So she withdrew her attention from the self…conscious drone of the vicar and thought again of her father。 She had seen him out of the kitchen window; flat on his face; while her radio continued to blare from on top of the rabbit hutch。 He had been lying there for two hours while she; her mother and her sisters had been browsing in Topshop。 She could still feel her father’s shoulder beneath his hot shirt as she had shaken it。 ‘Dadiii。 Dadiiiii。’

They had scattered Darshan’s ashes in the sad little River Rea in Birmingham。 Parminder could remember the dull clay look of its surface; on an overcast day in June; and the stream of tiny white and grey flakes floating away from her。


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