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首发偶发空缺 (临时空缺)-第47章

小说: 首发偶发空缺 (临时空缺) 字数: 每页4000字

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rd Mollison; or ‘tha’ great smug basturd’; as one of the blunter voters had called him。 ‘Tryin’ ter crowbar in ’is son。 ’E could ’ardly stop hisself grinnin’ when ’e ’eard Barry was dead。’ Colin; who had piled a list of pro…Fields talking points; had not needed to refer to the paper once。 So far; his main appeal as a candidate seemed to be that he was Barry’s friend; and that he was not called Mollison。

His miniature black and white face was smiling at him out of the puter monitor。 He had been sitting here all evening; trying to pose his election pamphlet; for which he had decided to use the same photograph as was featured on the Winterdown website: full face; with a slightly anodyne grin; his forehead steep and shiny。 The image had in its favour the fact that it had already been submitted to the public gaze; and had not brought down ridicule or ruin upon him: a powerful remendation。 But beneath the photograph; where the personal information ought to have been; were only one or two tentative sentences。 Colin had spent most of the last two hours posing and then deleting words; at one point he had managed to plete an entire paragraph; only to destroy it; backspace by backspace; with a nervous; jabbing forefinger。

Unable to bear the indecision and solitude; he jumped up and went downstairs。 Tessa was lying on the sofa in the sitting room; apparently dozing; with the television on in the background。

‘How’s it going?’ she asked sleepily; opening her eyes。

‘Mary’s just gone by。 Walking up the street with Gavin Hughes。’

‘Oh;’ said Tessa。 ‘She said something about going over to Miles and Samantha’s; earlier。 Gavin must have been there。 He’s probably walking her home。’

Colin was appalled。 Mary visiting Miles; the man who sought to fill her husband’s shoes; who stood in opposition to all that Barry had fought for?

‘What on earth was she doing at the Mollisons’?’

‘They went with her to the hospital; you know that;’ said Tessa; sitting up with a small groan and stretching her short legs。 ‘She hasn’t spoken to them properly since。 She wanted to thank them。 Have you finished your pamphlet?’

‘I’m nearly there。 Listen; with the information – I mean; as far as the personal information goes – past posts; do you think? Or limit it to Winterdown?’

‘I don’t think you need say more than where you work now。 But why don’t you ask Minda? She …’ Tessa yawned ‘… she’s done it herself。’

‘Yes;’ said Colin。 He waited; standing over her; but she did not offer to help; or even to read what he had written so far。 ‘Yes; that’s a good idea;’ he said; more loudly。 ‘I’ll get Minda to look over it。’

She grunted; massaging her ankles; and he left the room; full of wounded pride。 His wife could not possibly realize what a state he was in; how little sleep he was getting; or how his stomach was gnawing itself from within。

Tessa had only pretended to be asleep。 Mary and Gavin’s footsteps had woken her ten minutes previously。

Tessa barely knew Gavin; he was fifteen years younger than her and Colin; but the main barrier towards intimacy had always been Colin’s tendency to be jealous of Barry’s other friendships。

‘He’s been amazing about the insurance;’ Mary had told Tessa on the telephone earlier。 ‘He’s on the phone to them every day; from what I can gather; and he keeps telling me not to worry about fees。 Oh God; Tessa; if they don’t pay out …’

‘Gavin will sort it out for you;’ said Tessa。 ‘I’m sure he will。’

It would have been nice; thought Tessa; stiff and thirsty on the sofa; if she and Colin could have had Mary round to the house; to give her a change of scene and make sure she was eating; but there was one insuperable barrier: Mary found Colin difficult; a strain。 This unfortable and hitherto concealed fact had emerged slowly in the wake of Barry’s death; like flotsam revealed by the ebbing tide。 It could not have been plainer that Mary wanted only Tessa; she shied away from suggestions that Colin might help with anything; and avoided talking to him too long on the telephone。 They had met so often as a foursome for years; and Mary’s antipathy had never surfaced: Barry’s good humour must have cloaked it。

Tessa had to manage the new state of affairs with great delicacy。 She had successfully persuaded Colin that Mary was happiest in the pany of other women。 The funeral had been her one failure; because Colin had ambushed Mary as they all left St Michael’s and tried to explain; through racking sobs; that he was going to stand for Barry’s seat on the council; to carry on Barry’s work; to make sure Barry prevailed posthumously。 Tessa had seen Mary’s shocked and offended expression; and pulled him away。

Once or twice since; Colin had stated his intention of going over to show Mary all his election materials; to ask whether Barry would have approved of them; even voiced an intention of seeking guidance from Mary as to how Barry would have handled the process of canvassing for votes。 In the end Tessa had told him firmly that he must not badger Mary about the Parish Council。 He became huffy at this; but it was better; Tessa thought; that he should be angry with her; rather than adding to Mary’s distress; or provoking her into a rebuff; as had happened over the viewing of Barry’s body。

‘The Mollisons; though!’ said Colin; re…entering the room with a cup of tea。 He had not offered Tessa one; he was often selfish in these little ways; too busy with his own worries to notice。 ‘Of all the people for her to have dinner with! They were against everything Barry stood for!’

‘That’s a bit melodramatic; Col;’ said Tessa。 ‘Anyway; Mary was never as interested in the Fields as Barry。’

But Colin’s only understanding of love was of limitless loyalty; boundless tolerance: Mary had fallen; irreparably; in his estimation。

‘And where are you going?’ asked Simon; planting himself squarely in the middle of the tiny hall。

The front door was open; and the glass porch behind him; full of shoes and coats; was blinding in the bright Saturday morning sun; turning Simon into a silhouette。 His shadow rippled up the stairs; just touching the one on which Andrew stood。

‘Into town with Fats。’

‘Homework all finished; is it?’


It was a lie; but Simon would not bother to check。

‘Ruth? Ruth!’

She appeared at the kitchen door; wearing an apron; flushed; with her hands covered in flour。


‘Do we need anything from town?’

‘What? No; I don’t think so。’

‘Taking my bike; are you?’ demanded Simon of Andrew。

‘Yeah; I was going to—’

‘Leaving it at Fats’ house?’


‘What time do we want him back?’ Simon asked; turning to Ruth again。

‘Oh; I don’t know; Si;’ said Ruth impatiently。 The furthest she ever went in irritation with her husband was on occasions when Simon; though basically in a good mood; started laying down the law for the fun of it。 Andrew and Fats often went into town together; on the vague understanding that Andrew would return before it became dark。

‘Five o’clock; then;’ said Simon arbitrarily。 ‘Any later and you’re grounded。’

‘Fine;’ Andrew replied。

He kept his right hand in his jacket pocket; clenched over a tightly folded wad of paper; intensely aware of it; like a ticking grenade。 The fear of losing this piece of paper; on which was inscribed a line of meticulously written code; and a number of crossed…out; reworked and heavily edited sentences; had been plaguing him for a week。 He had been keeping it on him at all times; and sleeping with it inside his pillowcase。

Simon barely moved aside; so that Andrew had to edge past him into the porch; his fingers clamped over the paper。 He was terrified that Simon would demand that he turn out his pockets; ostensibly looking for cigarettes。

‘Bye; then。’

Simon did not answer。 Andrew proceeded into the garage; where he took out the note; unfolded it and read it。 He knew that he was being irrational; that mere proximity to Simon could not have magically switched the papers; but still he made sure。 Satisfied that all was safe; he refolded it; tucked it deeper into his pocket; which fastened with a stud; then wheeled the racing bike out of the garage and down through the gate into the lane。 He could tell that his father was watching him through the glass door of the porch; hoping; Andrew was sure; to see him fall off or mistreat the bicycle in some way。

Pagford lay below Andrew; slightly hazy in the cool spring sun; the air fresh and tangy。 Andrew sensed the point at which Simon’s eyes could no longer follow him; it felt as though pressure had been removed from his back。

Down the hill into Pagford he streaked; not touching the brakes; then he turned into Church Row。 Approximately halfway along the street he slowed down and cycled decorously into the drive of the Walls’ house; taking care to avoid Cubby’s car。

‘Hello; Andy;’ said Tessa; opening the front door to him。

‘Hi; Mrs Wall。’

Andrew accepted the convention that Fats’ parents were laughable。 Tessa was plump and plain; her hairstyle was odd and her dress sense embarrassing; while Cubby was ically uptight; yet Andrew c

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